View Full Version : Mile High Australia ?

16th August 2008, 09:57 PM

I joined after reading jetspotter.com. I am a Truck Driver from North East Victoria and love aviation.

I asked this question on jetspotter but no one new and I was wondering if you guys know what aircraft these guys use and rego?

www.wildaviation.net/mhc came across the link while searching for jets honest! ;)

Hope there site doesn't go offline it was off last night

Gerald A
17th August 2008, 08:19 AM
YOU'VE never known real fear and loathing until you've run out of toilet paper at 39,000ft somewhere over the Pacific.

It's happened to me a few times. As a flight attendant I've tentatively had to make the PA announcement on board the aircraft: "Ladies and gentlemen, please consider the comfort of your fellow passengers and use the remaining tissues frugally and perhaps utilise both sides of the paper." Hawaii or Fiji couldn't come quickly enough.
This nightmare scenario keeps coming back to haunt me of late since I heard that all paper was going to be removed from aircraft in a bid to save money.

The new A380 superjumbos will be "paperless planes", with all seat-pocket paper such as in-flight magazines, entertainment guides and shopping catalogues removed to lighten the aircraft by a tonne and save on fuel.

Full story link http://www.news.com.au/perthnow/story/0,21598,24191603-5005374,00.html