View Full Version : YWOL Departures

Andrew Neil
7th May 2008, 07:42 PM
What would be a CASA approved departure for an aircraft conducting operations into YWOL.

Ie. what departure do the Dash 8's use

Hugh Jarse
8th May 2008, 07:50 AM

I don't fly the Dash into WOL, but airports which have terrain that would otherwise affect CAO 20.7.1b performance (and possibly your BRW) often have a "Special Procedure" or "Escape Procedure".

WOL is an example. The procedures are designed by our Performance Engineers. As far as I'm aware, they aren't "approved" by CASA because they don't require approval. From memory, they are "accepted", as opposed to "approved" once incorporated into our ARDM.

Typical procedures may involve any combination of runway end turns, tracking requirements to specific altitudes and/or distances etc. Often these procedures will involve turns or tracking contrary to normal local procedures. Some procedures are required to be flown always, whereas others only in the event of an engine failure. Some incorporate both - an "all engines operating" and "engine fails before/after a specific position or altitude".

Hope this helps.