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David N 11th March 2014 04:30 PM

I don't understand how an aircraft (At altitude or not) does not leave debris on the water if it exploded in flight.
IMO it would had left less clue if it went in whole, happy to be corrected

Laurent Sanhard 11th March 2014 05:07 PM

if no debris has been found by the end of the week , might it be possible that the aircraft managed to land on water ( like the Hudson A320 ) although at night highly impossible to land on water without breaking up the aircraft ,
if it did land on water in one piece would it sink to the bottom or float ??

Paul S. 11th March 2014 05:31 PM

Have none of you see airport 77 the movie!

NathanJ 11th March 2014 05:32 PM

All this speculation and constant hunger for answers. It's clear that all possibilities are not being considered. Extraterrestrial's are no doubt responsible for the disappearance into "thin air". Unfortunately this scenario is light years away from human compression so the same tried and failed techniques of search and rescue are and will continue to fail as we will all sit here with blank faces and question marks hovering over our heads... ;)

Tamara S 11th March 2014 05:33 PM

You would think life rafts would be deployed and some pax floating with life jackets.

On another note, Malaysian authorities just held a press conference and ruled out the pax on the false passports and confirmed that they are asylum seekers.

So back to aircraft failure and non boarding pax, surely they can track down the pax and interview them.

I still have a gut feeling its in a hanger somewhere.....

Tamara S 11th March 2014 05:40 PM

in addition to the mobile phones connecting there now sayimg its showing them online in online chat

Ash W 11th March 2014 05:54 PM

As anyone who has travelled overseas knows it is quite common for someone to call you whilst roaming and hear ring tone, despite your phone being off or out of range.

If I had a dollar for the number of times the missus has asked why I didn't answer a call, despite the phone not ringing I would be very rich.

The reason for it is quite simple, when you roam your last known location is given to your home carrier. When someone calls you the call is sent to this last known location. Whilst the call is being set-up your carrier will play ring tone to your caller, then when the roaming carrier gets back saying it cannot find your phone you get busy, so it seems like the call rang, got connected then disconnected, when in reality it didn't get through.

But being seen as active on a data service, cannot explain that one.

Tamara S 11th March 2014 06:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Photos of the fake passport holders

Tamara S 11th March 2014 06:56 PM

This is going to cause a stir, aussie girls in the flight deck of a Malaysian jet for the entire length of an international flight. The very same pilot who is first officer on the missing jet.

Seems he was a Captain on the 767 before being fo on the 777

Paul F 11th March 2014 06:58 PM

They can find water below the surface on planets millions km,s away with satellites yet they cant find a jetliner in one of the most populated areas on earth.

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