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AdamC 22nd August 2008 01:16 PM

Just went for a drive and had a quick glimpse. Got a picture aswell but didn't turn out to well, shooting between trees and through a 6 ft storm fence doesn't really look that good. Plus i probably wasn't suppose to be doing it.

The aircraft is the Singapore Air Force C130H and has '730' on the tail and '30' near the nose cone.

The aircraft.

But didn't move all day. Not sure how long it's here for.

Tony G 22nd August 2008 02:40 PM

the Singaporean air force is a regular vistor to RAAF Richmond with its glossy finished Hercules.

Jayden Laing 24th August 2008 06:51 PM

Thanks for the replies. Popped out to the airport today hoping to catch the C130 there but it wasn't unfortunately. However there was this helicopter. Its now operated by Heli-Aust & the pilot there at the time told me they use it to go & retrieve the parachutist who miss the landing spot (airport).


Gerard M 25th August 2008 10:17 PM

Heard this afternoon "Condor" doing some parachute drops in the Parkes area i guess, was hard to understand but im guessing that it was the Singapore hurc.

Also, don't know if this is related, but am currently in Bathurst and the last two weeks i've been hearing and seeing quite a number of RAAF hurcs heading out west...just wondering whether these are all normal flights that they do or that i've just never noticed them, considering i'm normally in the hills district?


Jayden Laing 28th August 2008 06:09 PM

Finally got some pictures to share with you all. Sorry about the quality, had to use my sisters little digital camera. It was an immaculate aircraft & i must say, the amount of smoke those engines produce is unbelievable. There was another helicopter out there which i was told is replacing VH-UTM (previous chopper). The new one there was VH-WEB. Anyways here are just some of the pics.


AdamC 28th August 2008 07:00 PM

The C130 has been lving here in Nowra for the last few days, leaves early in the morning and returns in the afternoon/evening.

Nice pics jayden, are they actaully shutting down there or burning and turning then going again.

Jayden Laing 28th August 2008 07:12 PM

In the first 3 pics, they are returning from a jump. The 1st & 2nd photos are of it turning around while the 3rd photo is of the herc taxiing back past the terminal. The 4th photo with the man standing in it, the C130 is just pulling away from its parking bay leaving for a jump. Got plenty more pictures on the camera but as i said before, most of them aren't the best due to the camera i was using. It was a Pentax Optio S10 which is a little toy type camera.


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