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Tamara S 9th March 2014 07:31 PM

Being purchased at the same time
Ticket numbers being in sequence

I think this is more than just using illegal passports to get somewhere.

There saying it could be timed to fit with the opening of parliment.

Take a look at quite a few ships out looking.

Nigel C 9th March 2014 07:31 PM

Booking an ongoing flight lowers any suspicion for terror related activity I'm guessing. Besides, if they were planning on destroying the Malaysian flight, missing their connecting flight is hardly a concern for them....

But, it's all speculation. The whole story will come out eventually.

Tamara S 9th March 2014 07:50 PM

China may have been the target, to connect with the stabbings at the airport

Henning S 9th March 2014 08:00 PM

More interesting news:
"Investigators have made contact with a missing Chinese passenger's mobile phone, state media reports.

Chinese television stations say that a call made by family members DID connect to a mobile number but then cut out.

It is now hoped officials can use the mobile phone signal of passengers to locate the missing plane."


Ian Garton 9th March 2014 08:08 PM

The onward leg may have been to avoid obtaining a visa for China prior to departure from KUL.

Tamara S 9th March 2014 08:11 PM

RAAF C130 will be leaving Darwin for the search area within the hour.

Peter JB 9th March 2014 08:19 PM

Or you mean a P3C Orion? Abbott has despatched 2 Orions from Darwin.

Tamara S 9th March 2014 08:24 PM

arrrr might be them

Tamara S 10th March 2014 06:56 AM

ABC & 7 are reporting search aircraft have spotted debris in the Gulf of Thailand.

The showed a photo, but was only a few pieces so may not even belong to the plane.

Tamara S 10th March 2014 07:59 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Vietnam's navy has spotted a floating object about 80 kilometers (50 miles) southwest of Vietnam's Tho Chu Island, which is located off the country's southwest coast in the Gulf of Thailand.

Vietnam National Search and Rescue Committee Spokesman Hung Nguyen told CNN. The object was spotted by a Vietnamese navy rescue aircraft at about 7:30 a.m. ET Sunday (6:30 p.m. local time).

Due to the dark, the navy aircraft could not get close enough to identify the floating object, and was recalled to base. Three search and rescue boats have since been deployed to that location.

More details:

Tamara S 10th March 2014 08:33 AM

Possible part of the tail and cabin door spotted

Tamara S 10th March 2014 09:24 AM

More I look at this image looks to be maybe an overwing exit door ?

Ian Garton 10th March 2014 09:39 AM

Doesn't the 772 have all full size doors, and no overwing exits?
Also the size and position of the window doesn't look correct for a door.

Tamara S 10th March 2014 09:47 AM

You are correct... looking at the doors on the 200 the window on the door has a different posistion to the one in the possible debrie photo.

I just dont get there is only a tiny piece and nothing more, you would think there would be more debris.

Some media outlets are reporting a piece of the tail has been found but no photos

Philip Argy 10th March 2014 09:56 AM

Nose first plunge?
There are some configurations of ocean impact that leave the fuselage relatively intact ...

Tamara S 10th March 2014 10:09 AM

Malaysian authorities are saying the debris is not from the missing plane but will be fished out for proper id.

Read the caption below the debris photo at the following link.

Philip Argy 10th March 2014 11:59 AM

Foul play looming as real possibility
These facts about two supposedly unrelated travellers cannot just be serendipitously connected with the disappearance of flight MH370:


Flight booking information shows the passengers bought the tickets together at a travel agency in Pattaya, a seaside city outside Bangkok that is a known haunt of international criminal networks.
They booked the flight to Beijing where they would not have had to clear customs before taking another flight from Beijing to Amsterdam.
One, travelling under Maraldi’s name, was due to proceed to Copenhagen and the other to Frankfurt, Germany. Tickets bought by two passengers using false passports in the names of Christian Kozel and Luigi Maraldi. Photo: Supplied

The men paid for the fares in Thai baht.
Read more:

Tamara S 10th March 2014 02:18 PM

ABC24 just showed the live media conference from Malaysian authorities and they have said all reports of debries are false and as of now


Laurent Sanhard 10th March 2014 02:39 PM

sounds like a silly question, but what if the transponder was shut off in the cockpit , is it possible the aircraft would have been forced to land in another country ie Russia or somewhere remote , surely if it crashed into the ocean , another plane or boat would have reported seeing a fire , surely some debris would have floated to the surface by now ,
did the aircraft disappear from Radar ?? would it still show up on Radar if the transponder was turned off ??

Greg Hyde 10th March 2014 02:52 PM

Factual update from ABC

Ash W 10th March 2014 02:53 PM

Yes it would still show up on radar. All the transponder does is identifies the a/c.

Henning S 10th March 2014 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Laurent Sanhard (Post 87935)
sounds like a silly question, but what if the transponder was shut off in the cockpit , is it possible the aircraft would have been forced to land in another country ie Russia or somewhere remote , surely if it crashed into the ocean , another plane or boat would have reported seeing a fire , surely some debris would have floated to the surface by now ,
did the aircraft disappear from Radar ?? would it still show up on Radar if the transponder was turned off ??

The aircraft would still appear on the radar but it would not send out its identification anymore. So on the radar it would not appear with its flight number but simply as a dot or something like that.
What it disappears from are radar websites like FlightRadar24 because these websites are not showing real radar information but ADS-B signals. These signals are actively transmitted by the plane if the plane's transponder is on. If the transponder is switched off, the plane doesn't transmit the ADS-B signal anymore.

Hugh Jarse 10th March 2014 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ash W (Post 87937)
Yes it would still show up on radar. All the transponder does is identifies the a/c.

No, it would not - unless there is a primary radar covering the area the aircraft was in, and even then it may not show up on a controller's display. There are many factors affecting the usefulness of primary radar, such as range limitations, rain attenuation or obstacles in view of the antenna, which is why it has limited use today.

Hence the reason we have SSR and ADSB today. Primary radar had too many limitations :)

Laurent Sanhard 10th March 2014 03:32 PM

still remains a mystery then ?? news now reports of 5 pax that checked in but did not board the flight , at the very least it raises serious security concerns at KL airport !

Arthur T 10th March 2014 03:36 PM

Warning: Prior reading to the following post, please note all accurate inforamtion relating to MH370 incident must refer to official statements from Governments & the Airline

According to Oriential Daily Hong Kong

(If you cannot read Chinese, please use Google translate thank you)
(The picture is included in the news report when you click on the link)

there is a photo being circulated over the internet regards to the wrackage of the plane. This perhaps why ABC reported earlier.

However please note from the photo itself it looks like the plane has winglets attached at the end of the "wing". We all know all B777s, including B777-8X and B777-9X do not have winglets so I highly doubt the accuracy of that post.

Alex T 10th March 2014 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Arthur T (Post 87941)
However please note from the photo itself it looks like the plane has winglets attached at the end of the "wing". We all know all B777s, including B777-8X and B777-9X do not have winglets so I highly doubt the accuracy of that post.

I believe the photo is the Lion Air overrun at Denpasar last year! -

Arthur T 10th March 2014 03:45 PM

Thanks mate. That confirms my view that this is not accurate. I think we should notify the newspaper to deal with the photo. Clearly not cool for people to send these false stuff around.

damien b 10th March 2014 05:33 PM

Lots and lots of speculation on what appears to be a horrific event. The release of information on damage that was repaired by Boeing to a wing tip I guess adds to the speculation.

The lack of debris, no claims by terrorist cells of destroying MH370, no mayday calls, no transmission of emergency beacons all adds to the mystery.

Personally, structural failure or in-flight explosion are most likely but until investigators get to the FDR and CVR, we will never know.

Thomas Collins 10th March 2014 06:05 PM

Where are the "pings" from the FDR, CVR and ELT…

Tamara S 10th March 2014 06:12 PM

Wondering the very same thing, you think the ELT would have gone off.

You have to wonder.... has this a/c been hijacked and flown somewhere and is sitting on some dustry runway with a plane load of pax?

I need to get the Jepps out and see where I could get with the fuel.

Tamara S 10th March 2014 06:20 PM

another live news conference, authorities are saying there are reports a life raft has been spotted and there sending ships to the location now.

Ash W 10th March 2014 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Hugh Jarse (Post 87939)
No, it would not - unless there is a primary radar covering the area the aircraft was in, and even then it may not show up on a controller's display. There are many factors affecting the usefulness of primary radar, such as range limitations, rain attenuation or obstacles in view of the antenna, which is why it has limited use today.

Hence the reason we have SSR and ADSB today. Primary radar had too many limitations :)

I think you have contradicted my answer and made a simple question over complicated for no real reason.

Whilst what you say is 100% right, radar does of have limitations and of course you need to have radar in the right areas, the question was rather simple, as too my answer.

So the simple answer to the question that was asked, is yes.

Michael Cleary 10th March 2014 06:31 PM

Although I doubt it in this age of Radar Surveillance, etc, the thought of Hypoxia does come up - and there is maybe wreckage in the icy wastes of Siberia.

As I said, I doubt it. Whilst there might be some black holes in radar coverage around Indo-China, I cannot imagine any Aircraft entering Chinese Airspace, Transponder on or not, and not being detected.

But if nothing is found in the Gulf of Thailand, they need to look farther afield - up to whatever distance the fuel on board would allow.

Tamara S 10th March 2014 06:34 PM

Malaysian transport minister says Vietinam helicopters have been dispatched to a floating yellow object that is a possible life raft that matches the color of the one installed in the missing aircraft, came direct from him few moments ago.

Hugh Jarse 10th March 2014 06:57 PM

With respect, Ash - your answer was not accurate. If a transponder is switched off (or fails) then in 100% of cases the aircraft data label will definitely be lost on the controller's display. Modern ATC radar centres do not display primary paints on controller's displays, either because that data is not available, or to display it would clutter their displays (or both).

Sure, the world's military would maintain some level of primary-only radar coverage for identifying unidentified intruders, but that's not we're discussing here.

The whole reason primary radar is all but redundant is that there are so many limitations with it, as I explained in my previous post.

I thought my original answer was reasonably simple :) To make a blanket statement that the aircraft would still be showing on radar is generally incorrect in a modern civil ATC environment. That's why contact was lost in the first place :) Rescue services would have a more precise estimate of where the aircraft is, if your original statement were accurate.

Mark Howarth 10th March 2014 07:00 PM


Do you have a a link to the source for this info? Its not appearing on any of the news websites.

Tamara S 10th March 2014 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mark Howarth (Post 87952)

Do you have a a link to the source for this info? Its not appearing on any of the news websites.

The minister said it at the latest press conference shown on news 24, however the part about being the same color fitted to the aircraft was on radio so not sure how accurate that part is.

Tamara S 10th March 2014 07:15 PM

Turns out not to be a life raft

Steve C 10th March 2014 08:06 PM

I'm confused. I use, it shows MAS370 disappearing over Malaysia, not the ocean, about 0103.

I don't know how to get flightaware to show historic data.

Henning S 10th March 2014 09:14 PM

German media just reports that the lab results of the examination of the oil that had been spotted in the area where the flight disappeared clearly show that the oil is not from the plane.

Source: Bild Zeitung, Germany (link not provided as the text is in German)

Also one of the suspects that used a stolen passport has been identified but they won't tell of which nationality he is. They only said that he is neither Malaysian nor from the province of XinJiang, China.


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