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Kurt A 9th May 2012 01:50 PM

Noel --> Does SBS Plotter work with AirNav ?

Noel White 9th May 2012 11:10 PM

No, I don't think so Kurt. It's an add on for the Kinetic BaseStation program and takes a direct feed from the SBS port. Besides, the outline it draws most likely can only be read by BaseStation and not by Airnav's RadarBox.

Grahame Hutchison 9th May 2012 11:34 PM

I have run some calculations on the RadarBox log since I installed the LMR-400 Coax, and came up with the following reception details. I had to eliminate a few strange westerly longitudes to tidy things up a bit. Based on the scale on the current Polar plot, not all of these pick ups fit within the plot (not sure why, maybe the scale on the plot is not exact). These are only the entries above 250nm.

Sorted by Start Lat/Long distance from Mona Vale (Start NM column shows the distance).

Sorted by End Lat/Long distance from Mona Vale (End NM column shows the distance).

Grahame Hutchison 10th May 2012 09:09 AM

Maybe the screenshot below from this morning helps to understand the data above a little more. The selected flight here is PBN81
from Christchurch to Brisbane (small white circle on right of plot), and it was plotting at 362.7 nm out (671.7 km), however it was not updating the Polar plot. I
am guessing that flights like this one tracking across, and outside the Polar plot are not included for whatever reason. There
are probably rules that define how the Polar plot is built, and maybe some flights just fall outside these rules.

The last flight on the list, Air Canada B772 C-FIVK, plots as the blue dot just outside the 295nm ring at about 48 degrees. This
confirms that the radar rings are reasonably accurate, and that the long range flights in the data above have just not plotted.

Either way, I could not be happier with how the RadarBox and LMR-400 Coax are performing, a 393.7 nm (729.1 km) plot is just
amazing. Plot 20120510.jpg

Kurt A 10th May 2012 01:16 PM

Hi Grahame,

Amazing coverage :eek: - get that feed onto PlanePlotter would ya!

I concur with your range rings; I've validated them off the rough land indentation we see just to the NE of YKMP with your map a few posts above saying its 192.9nm. My map has it at about 205nm, but that's because my home location is about that in difference to the south of you. So your rings are accurate.

With your plot, you may have a setting enabled to ignore plots that are in excess of a certain nm range. I know with SBS Plotter, you can limit this factor to try flush out any rogue hits through Basestation. Something for you to look further into with your software to allow you to plot everything you see.

In lieu of you sharing to PP, is there any chance you could increase the field of view for your 5min update image on 16Right? Right now your outer ring is showing to be roughly 200nm, any chance you could increase the view to include those NE plots and take it to about 350nm similar to the range showing in the plot image you've posted above? Also, could you actually increase the image size?

Look forward to chatting more with you on Saturday.

Grahame Hutchison 10th May 2012 01:47 PM

Thanks Kurt,

I don't think I have the Preferences Range filter set, but I will check this again.

I have not looked at sharing the data with PlanePlotter, but don't have a problem with that (I will just check my AirNav Systems agreement to see if it specifically mentions this).

I can zoom the image out a notch or two, it is just a compromise between Range and Detail. The image size appears to be a fixed size GIF that FTPs every minute to my web site. I don't recall seeing any setting for the image, however I will check (there maybe some third party addins that will do the trick).

See you on Saturday morning.

Grahame Hutchison 11th May 2012 09:34 AM

Kurt, I zoomed the plot out one step, any further and the aircraft details vanish. There are definitely no range filters set, so it looks like the plot may be restricted to ~300nm, or those 390nm aircraft passing laterally outside the plot area do not fit the plot algorithm.

Grahame Hutchison 11th May 2012 02:54 PM

With a little more coverage now along the east coast, I was watching an interesting handover of JST4 from about 200nm east of Brisbane. Initially logged on PlanePlotter by sharer oO about 442nm out of YSSY, then switched to sharer Eu who logged it off the far north NSW coast, and finally over to sharer qR (me) over 318 nm out of YSSY, and then all the way in.

Also just noticed qR showing VH-VOZ at 31000ft and around 407 nm out of YSSY heading northeast.

Noel White 12th May 2012 11:12 AM

Thank you Grahame for your feed with PlanePlotter. The range you are obtaining to the north-east is outstanding and very much appreciated :D

Grahame Hutchison 14th May 2012 07:57 PM

A few more long range plots on Thursday and Friday ... By End NM 20120514.jpg

My son calculated the area of my current Polar plot at 320,986 sq km, which is almost the size of Germany.

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