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Krzysztof M 17th May 2008 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 5165)
(to be set on a date when Adam's out of the country)

Oh, but isn't bribing the immigration officer an illegal activity?

Adam P. 17th May 2008 11:40 PM


when Adam's out of the country

But who else will spill his steak all over... well, just all over?? :eek:

Mick M 17th May 2008 11:43 PM

Woohoo.....great night was had by all. I counted at least 20 board personalities there. One particularly exuberant fellow, who obviously got too excited by the evening's events, managed to tip a whole steak dinner on the floor, via his lap. Made a fine mess too!

He did redeem himself by eating the recovered food items from his lap and could not suppress the need to eat a whole thick juicy steak that was returned to the plate in accordance with the 10 second rule. Adam P, you my friend, are a Champion!

Some great stories were told, some great memories relived, a few beers downed and some serious baggings handed out - mostly to those lame peasants amongst you that couldn't be bothered to front up. A rather bodacious evening was had by all. Some bloke called Will turned up, claiming to fly aeroplanes and to being a moderator ( yeah right, try and keep your brag stories real - a pilot...mmm.........maybe, but a moderator if!

We even had a proper journalist come along from one of them books with words and coloured pictures of aeroplanes. He promised us a subscription for turning up if he could put our photos in the book! Nigel C was there too, but he became very argumentative when I told him that if he was a real airport professional he would have kept his opinions to himself. My nose didn't bleed for long after that! I really suspect he drives the dunny cart or something.

Granny was in fine form as always and as per usual managed to clearly exceed the booze to instant buffoon ratio. By the time stumps was called he was talking in a language that was last recorded by Dr Livingstone in darkest Africa in the 17th century. And despite what Granny often said about Amsy, Amsy still turned up anyways.

The low turn out from the newer members was disappointing, but that's your loss, not ours. As per every previous event we all had a great time. So next time make sure you make the effort to show.

Stephen Brown 18th May 2008 12:07 AM

Can't have been too much fun, I wasn't there....

Although it's always fun to watch Granny turn into a dribbling colostomy bag. Drop him at T3 on the way home??

Do you think next time that your people could contact my people so that we can liaise on a one to one basis to correct the oversight of timing issues that have hampered my appearance at previously said social occasion, and looking into the future, my attendance at said functions so I may partake in the flesh of a dead animal and a brewed cleansing refreshment

Mick M 18th May 2008 12:14 AM

Well Browneye, it was a great night and I didn't even notice you weren't there although in hindsight I would agree my eyes needs testing! We're planning a trip to visit Floody up north, although he doesn't know it yet!

I was disappointed there was no Duck on the menu at the rowers though!

Nigel C 18th May 2008 12:44 AM

Granny, a dribbling colostomy bag? Understatement of the year!:p

It was a one way conversation back to Wollongong, and I wasn't the one doing the talking!

I agree with Mick that the turnout was disappointing, however a great night was had by those in attendance.

For the newer members, I highly recommend a dinner and drinks get together, even if you are under age. We could tell the bar staff that you're with a 'responsible adult', if only we could find them right at that moment!

And don't feel that you wouldn't fit in...we're a pretty easy bunch of people to be around despite the rumours that circulate here;). As Mick said, there are a lot of stories to be told, some funny moments to be had, and a wealth of knowledge on just about anything.

Andrew McLaughlin 18th May 2008 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 5190)
As Mick said, there are a lot of stories to be told, some funny moments to be had, and a wealth of knowledge on just about anything.

...except aviation, airports, aircraft...stuff like that. On those points we're just jibberers!

Great night though guys - thanks for the company and the entertainment (Adam...I've got pictures mate!) The kids have never been so quiet... although I suspect it's because they couldn't have got a word in anyway!



Philip Argy 18th May 2008 08:27 AM

The morning after the night before ...
The Board is very quiet this morning - it MUST have been a good night! :D

Adam P. 18th May 2008 10:17 AM


(Adam...I've got pictures mate!)
Damn those fandangle camera phones people have these days....

David M 18th May 2008 10:44 AM


Damn those fandangle camera phones people have these days....
Don't you just hate technology Adam. All you really had to do is NOT spill your steak onto the floor and we'd be none the wiser as to your eating habits!

Wait 'til I tell everyone in crewing!!! :D


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