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Gerald A 30th May 2008 06:36 AM

Pope's arrival
Just heard on the radio that the Pope will not be flying into YSSY, he will be flying into YSRI. No date or time was given.


Andrew P 30th May 2008 08:33 AM

He will arrive at the RAAF base in Richmond on July 13., no time

Adrian B 30th May 2008 09:30 AM

Was looking forward to seeing the pope on Border Security, being asked if he had any food items.......

NickN 30th May 2008 11:04 AM

....... and then saying he didn't understand what the card said before he signed it.

What happens when they asked him if he packed his own bag?

"Sorry my son, Cardinal Philippe packed my bag I didn't know that was in there"

Nigel C 30th May 2008 03:41 PM

Where's that Narita drug dog officer when you need him...

Mike Scott 30th May 2008 03:56 PM

Hopefully the popemobile is making the trip....I guess it now will have to be either Mercedes/BMW/or Volkswagen based....cant be a fiat or anything Italian ;)


Mike Scott 30th May 2008 03:57 PM

PS: Sorry I could be a Porsche !!!! :cool:


Steve Jones 30th May 2008 04:17 PM

Sorry if it's already reported, but I believe it's an Alitalia 777 and the intention is to fly it nonstop to Sydney from Rome if possible.

Mike Scott 31st May 2008 01:42 AM

Then the popemobile cant make the trip (too much weight)...better leave the pointed hat at home too !!!! Looks like it's going to be the Oz version for this trip...a holden ute with a beach umbrella !!!! I hope the seagulls stay home...that mess doesnt look good on the white outfit he wears. :D


Anthony J 31st May 2008 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Jones (Post 6057)
Sorry if it's already reported, but I believe it's an Alitalia 777 and the intention is to fly it nonstop to Sydney from Rome if possible.

I don't think that's correct. It should be a 747-400 of another carrier!

Paul McFarlane 31st May 2008 12:51 PM

Just a little off topic..

A shy gentleman was preparing to board a plane when he heard that the Pope was on the same flight. "This is exciting," thought the gentleman. "I've always been a big fan of the Pope. Perhaps Ill be able to see him in person."
Imagine his surprise when the Pope sat down in the seat next to him for the flight. Still, the gentleman was too shy to speak to the Pontiff. Shortly after take-off, the Pope began a crossword puzzle. "This is fantastic," thought the gentleman. "I'm really good at crosswords. Perhaps, if the Pope gets stuck, he ll ask me for assistance."
Almost immediately, the Pope turned to the gentleman and said, "Excuse me, but do you know a four letter word referring to a woman that ends with the letters 'u-n-t?'"
Only one word leapt to mind...
"My goodness," thought the gentleman, "I can't tell the Pope that. There must be another word."
The gentleman thought for quite a while, then it hit him. Turning to the pope, the gentleman said, "I think the word you're looking for is 'aunt'."
"Of course," said the Pope. "Do you have an eraser?"

Have a good day all :D

Mike Scott 1st June 2008 01:20 AM

They can always get a 400 from Lufthansa if they cant get everything on the triple 7....and then trade off the cost by having the pope do a commercial pushing the "heavenly" experience of flying Lufthansa. :eek:


Philip Argy 1st June 2008 09:06 AM

Another Pope joke ...
The Pope pleaded with his chauffeur over many months to let him have a turn at the wheel of the papal Mercedes but the chauffeur always politely refused telling His Holiness that he was not allowed to do that as he didn't even have a licence.

Finally one day the chauffeur, sick of refusing, relented and told the Pope he could have just a little turn at the wheel. The Pope swapped into the driver's seat and set off down the road with increasing speed until the chauffeur reminded him of the speed limit and warned him to slow down. Undeterred the Pope put his foot to the floor and was doing over 120 km/h in an 80 zone when a passing Highway Patrol gave chase with siren blaring. Knowing he was going to get in big trouble the chauffeur persuaded the Pope to pull over and let him do the talking.

The big burly Highway Patrol officer approached the driver's window and peered in, astonished to see the Pope in full garb sitting meekly behind the wheel. Without saying a word he rushed back to his patrol car and radioed in:

"I've got a problem, base; I've pulled over a VIP whose car was speeding but I can't book him".

"Don't be ridiculous", came the reply, "no-one is above the law, VIP or not - you go right ahead and issue a ticket".

"No", said the officer, "you don't understand, this is no ordinary VIP".

The sergeant in charge came on the radio and demanded to know why the officer was being inappropriately lenient. "Who the hell have you pulled over - the Mayor, the Police Chief, the Prime Minister - they just can't do that kind of speed and not get a ticket so you just go ahead and issue a ticket to the driver".

"This person is much more important than any of those people", pleaded the officer. "I've pulled over GOD!".

"That's absurd", replied the Sergeant, "what makes you think you've pulled over God - have you been drinking on the job?".

"No Sarge - it has to be God because this guy has the Pope as his chauffeur!"


Rhys Xanthis 1st June 2008 02:31 PM

hehe, read that before Phillip, but its so good:D

Troy R. 1st June 2008 04:05 PM

Richmond is an interesting choice. I'm thinking it's for security reasons.
And on the security front NSW Police are absolutely spitting chips about the Vatican releasing details of his itinerary. They are being gripped by an acute case of "Chaser-itis"!

Mario Facchini 1st June 2008 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Troy R. (Post 6201)
Richmond is an interesting choice. I'm thinking it's for security reasons.
And on the security front NSW Police are absolutely spitting chips about the Vatican releasing details of his itinerary. They are being gripped by an acute case of "Chaser-itis"!

Speaking of which, here is the itinerary From the Catholic News Agency (yes they have one !!!):


Full papal itinerary for World Youth Day released

Vatican City, May 30 (CNA) - The Holy See’s Press Office has released the full itinerary for Pope Benedict XVI’s trip to World Youth Day, which will take place July 15-20.

He will arrive at the Richmond Royal Australian Air Force Base at 9:15 a.m. local time on Sunday, July 13, after which he will spend three days resting in private.

On 17 July Pope Benedict will begin his World Youth Day activities by celebrating a Mass in private. He will then meet with several officials of the Australian government, including Governor-General of Australia, Major General Michael Jeffery; Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd; New South Wales Governor Marie Bashir; and New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma.

Following a brief display of traditional Aboriginal dances and songs, he will then board the ship "Sydney 2000" for his official welcome to Sydney at 2:45 in the afternoon.

On July 18, the Holy Father will again begin the day with a private Mass after which, at 10:30 a.m., he is due to participate in an ecumenical meeting in the crypt of St. Mary's Cathedral in Sydney before going on to meet with representatives of other religions in the cathedral chapter.

Also on Friday, the Pope will have lunch with a group of young people and then following lunch he will proceed to the square in front of St. Mary’s Cathedral where he will begin the Way of the Cross with a prayer.

At 6:45 p.m. he will also meet a group of disadvantaged young people at the Sacred Heart church of Notre Dame University.

At 9:30 a.m. on Saturday July19, Benedict XVI will celebrate Mass in St. Mary's Cathedral with Australian bishops, seminarians and novices, and consecrate the building's new altar. Having had lunch with the bishops, that evening he will travel to the Randwick Racecourse to preside at a prayer vigil with young people.

Sunday will see the Holy Father arriving at the Randwick Racecourse in a helicopter to preside over Mass for 23rd World Youth Day and to recite the Angelus at noon. At 6 p.m. on the same day, he will deliver an address to the benefactors and organizers of World Youth Day in the chapter house of St. Mary's Cathedral.

The final day of the Pope’s itinerary will begin with a private Mass, followed by a trip to The Domain in Sydney where he will meet with the 23rd World Youth Day volunteers and bid farewell to the youth. He will then go directly to Sydney's international airport, where he will be greeted by the authorities before departing by plane for Darwin. After a brief stopover, his flight will proceed to Rome where the Holy Father is due to arrive at around 11 p.m.

“His Holiness has a very full schedule on his first visit to Australia,” said Bishop Anthony Fisher OP, Coordinator of World Youth Day. “He has requested specific meetings in order to connect with the full range of Australian youth and the youth of the world.

“As a Head of State, he will also be conducting several official meetings with civic leaders,” he said.

Gerard M 1st June 2008 10:34 PM

Im not sure if this is the reason and i may be completly off on this theory but when i was coming into Sydney i drove past Richmond on Friday and noticed that they are placing those concrete barriers they use at road works and stuff in the inside of the perimeter fence. From what i remember about apec which isn't much cos i upped and left Sydney at the time, but weren't those big apec fences all around Sydney placed on the concrete blocks?
Is it possible that they will be putting the apec fence as a bit of extra security around Richmond?
Like i said, i may be completly wrong but its just a thought.


Mario Facchini 1st June 2008 10:37 PM

They could be doing that to bolster security around the prerimiter in case someone decided to drive through the fence. like a road block.

Grahame Hutchison 1st June 2008 10:39 PM

Maybe they are preparing for "The Chaser".

Mike Scott 2nd June 2008 12:43 AM

What about a streaker !!!!! (what a great venue for that activity) would be about as popular as a pork chop in a synagogue.:o


Greg McDonald 2nd June 2008 09:55 AM


The final day of the Pope’s itinerary will begin with a private Mass, followed by a trip to The Domain in Sydney where he will meet with the 23rd World Youth Day volunteers and bid farewell to the youth. He will then go directly to Sydney's international airport, where he will be greeted by the authorities before departing by plane for Darwin. After a brief stopover, his flight will proceed to Rome where the Holy Father is due to arrive at around 11 pm.
Foir those in the know, what time does this mean he'll be leaving Sydney?

Tim Bowrey 2nd June 2008 09:28 PM

Will he be driven around in a Bullet-proof car like Dick Chaney when he was here does anyone think? Pottentially bringing some cool looking cargo aircraft in? Because an Antonov An-124 brought a few Bullet-proof cars for Mr Chaney when he was here i think.

Any ideas what aircraft this will be? His charter or a different one?

He will then go directly to Sydney's international airport, where he will be greeted by the authorities before departing by plane for Darwin.

Greg McDonald 3rd June 2008 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Tim Bowrey (Post 6291)
Because an Antonov An-124 brought a few Bullet-proof cars for Mr Chaney when he was here i think.

If I remember correctly, wasn't it a couple of C-17 aircraft that brought the cars and SUVs to Richmond?

Tim Bowrey 3rd June 2008 09:42 PM

Ah your probably right Greg but i got a photo of one coming into RWY34L when he was in unless it was bringing something else.


Andrew C 18th June 2008 01:48 PM

lets speculate
Why is the Pope arriving @ Richmond?
1/ security - YSSY had POTUS could handle the Pope

2/ Is he arriving after 11pm???

Any ideas all.

Mark Grima 18th June 2008 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Jones (Post 6057)
Sorry if it's already reported, but I believe it's an Alitalia 777 and the intention is to fly it nonstop to Sydney from Rome if possible.

QF are the official WYD08 airline partner, I would be very very surprised if the pope arrived in to Australia on anything other then a QF 744.



Andrew C 18th June 2008 08:27 PM

Holy see announced destination
It was already announced that the aircraft with the Pope will arrive into Richmond. I always thought he flew on an Alitalia plane.

here is the latest travel information from the Holy See


Saturday, 12 July 2008

Fiumicino (Rome)

10.00 Departure by plane from the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport of Fiumicino (Rome) for the Airport of Darwin/RAAF Military Air Base


Sunday, 13 July 2008


9.15 Arrival at Darwin Airport/RAAF Military Air Base
Technical stopover
10.30 Departure by plane from Darwin Airport/RAAF Military Air Base for Richmond Airport (Sydney)/RAAF Military Air Base
Richmond (Sydney)

15.00 Arrival at Richmond Airport (Sydney)/RAAF Military Air Base
15.15 Transfer by car from Richmond Airport (Sydney)/RAAF Military Air Base to the Private Residence
Private time till the morning of Thursday 17 July

Jethro H 19th June 2008 10:57 AM

World Youth Day organisers also announced at least 36 extra flights scheduled for next month, including four additional Qantas flights from Los Angeles and Europe and a charter flight.

The charter would be call signed "Shepherd 1". Type of aircraft has not been published yet.

Mick M 19th June 2008 07:52 PM


QF are the official WYD08 airline partner, I would be very very surprised if the pope arrived in to Australia on anything other then a QF 744.
We could start a tote on this. Well, at least there's lots of discussion on this one! ;)


Because an Antonov An-124 brought a few Bullet-proof cars for Mr Chaney when he was here i think.
I don't think so Tim. Hell would freeze over before the US Government allowed security vehicles to travel on Russian aircraft. Russian aircraft move Russian government freight, US aircraft move US government freight.

Mike Scott 20th June 2008 04:50 AM

Dont be surprised when this pope show's up on Lufthansa !!!!;)


Grant Smith 20th June 2008 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Mike Scott (Post 7359)
Dont be surprised when this pope show's up on Lufthansa !!!!;)


I'll wager against Biman bringing him in!


Philip Argy 20th June 2008 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mark Grima (Post 7284)
QF are the official WYD08 airline partner, I would be very very surprised if the pope arrived in to Australia on anything other then a QF 744.



I found this 2007 contribution on (my emboldening) but I don't know how authoritative it might be:


Aircraft Marking

The Holy See, naturally, doesn't have an air force. As far as I know it doesn't even have planes. However, when the pope is taking a flight, his arms appear next to the front door of the plane. See: <>, <> and <>. It seems that those arms are left on the plane afterwards as a declaration "The Pope flew in this plane" as seen on the out-of-service ex-Viasa plane at <>.
Dov Gutterman, 28 June 2004
The pope travel only in "Catholic" airlines. When he visit a "Chatolic" state he uses the local flag carrier airline to his flight. If there are more then one flag-cattier, he don't insult anybody and used all of them.
In his visit to Mexico, the pope JP II used Mexicana on one way and Aero-Mexico on the other
It seems that the pope emblem is not removed afterwards and the plane still carry it as a token and to show that this is a "papal plane".

When visiting a non-Catholic state, the pope use Alitalia planes.

Dov Gutterman, 4 July 2007

adam c 21st June 2008 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Philip Argy (Post 7375)
I found this 2007 contribution on (my emboldening) but I don't know how authoritative it might be:

When visiting a non-Catholic state, the pope use Alitalia planes.

Is Australia considered a Catholic state? Officially Australia doesn't have any religion, but according to the 2006 census Christianity is the most common, and Catholicism is the most popular sub-category of Christianity...

Mark Grima 21st June 2008 04:40 PM

hmmm, good question, I think Australia is officially a Catholic state. Surley, WYD which is obviously a catholic event, would only be held in Catholic nations.

I still think he will be here on a QANTAS jet. The Popes coat of arms will be a nice addition to one the QF 744s.



Jethro H 22nd June 2008 08:33 AM

In the sense of the meaning from the Papal notes, no we are not a Catholic state. A Catholic State is where the government runs law in line with the belief of that religion. This can not happen in Australia as per Section 110 of our Constitution, we are not permitted to have a state religion.

There are only a few countries that are such as Italy where this is so such as Italy where the population is close to 90% Catholic. (Australia is 26%)

Anthony J 22nd June 2008 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Anthony J (Post 6117)
I don't think that's correct. It should be a 747-400 of another carrier!

Too subtle?
It will be a 747-400 of an Australian Airline, wearing a red and white livery, on the VH register, maybe Rolls Royce or GE engines..........

Jethro H 22nd June 2008 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Mark Grima (Post 7447)
I still think he will be here on a QANTAS jet.

Going by earlier quoted post:

The pope travel only in "Catholic" airlines.
Does Qantas fall in that category?

Just on the previous post about "Catholic States", Spain is a declared Catholic State. Hence I would guess why we have seen the Holy See has used Iberio aircraft in the past.

Interesting though, the Pope has also used AeroMexico as well. Whilst 90% of Mexican's are Roman Catholics, they are do not have a Catholic State status (like us, it's against their Constitution).

Qantas have announced in their Media release they have a "charter flight" booked for WYD from Europe. They have not released any other details...yet!

Ken N 22nd June 2008 02:41 PM

Seems we're all having a stab in the dark here, well, here's my guess.....he arrives on AZ, then the AZ acft postions to RJAA.

Andrew P 22nd June 2008 02:57 PM

the last time a Pope (Pope John Paul II) was in Australia was 1995, and he arrived on Air Niugini, a great Catholic airline IMHO.

he flew MNL - POM on Philippine Airlines


Stephen Brown 22nd June 2008 04:07 PM

And lets just review this once again for those who are bereft of intelligence...


Originally Posted by Anthony J (Post 7466)
Too subtle?
It will be a 747-400 of an Australian Airline, wearing a red and white livery, on the VH register, maybe Rolls Royce or GE engines..........

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