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Tony G 24th August 2008 09:07 PM

Flight Experience
Has anyone tried out this 737-800 flight sim. I believe it is a franchise. Being from Sydney i know one is located at Darling harbour. I have yet to try it, but i am very tempted. I hear it is quite pricey as well. Money might be better spent on a GA flight. Would be interested to hear some stories from anyone that has tried it.

Daniel M 24th August 2008 09:30 PM

Used to work at the Melbourne one. It's ok, nothing overly special though...just an oversized home built flight sim really. Graphics are basic flight sim 2004, flight model is a bit dodgy...cockpit setup is not bad, but yeah, as you mentioned, extremely pricey.

Radi K 25th August 2008 08:38 AM

Good fun and worth the money.

Rod Sloan 25th August 2008 10:24 PM

Did it in Tauranga, NZ. Worth every cent. Time flew if you'll s'cuse the pun.

andrew evans 26th August 2008 03:18 AM

I think it is worth doing atleast once.I had a ball.

Philip Argy 8th February 2014 09:59 PM

Flight FX556 tonight from Darling Harbour Level 3
Disappointing in some respects; better than expected in others.

Things I didn't like: aircraft taking off and landing oblivious to what I was doing (including take off rolls head on whilst I was taking off in the opposite direction!! Hardly realistic and more than a little off putting. Similarly aircraft taking off from behind you and rolling 'through' you after you taxi into position and hold). Rudder pedals not suitably damped so that only miniscule movements will give substantial deviations from centre tracking. Unrealistic glide slope - for example, approaching on 16R into YSSY still at 3,000 feet crossing the Parramatta River - about twice the altitude of a 'real' aircraft. No ATC. No idle reverse thrust. No stick shaker. No cockpit movement at all - only projected visual scene and instrument changes in response to control input changes. Terrain and ground improvements were not hi res or rich colour. It was not always easy to spot well known landmarks due to poor quality 'scenery' display. And no seat height adjustment for either pilot forced a suboptimal seating position!

Things I DID like: very realistic instrumentation including engine spool up lag and good auto pilot performance. Apart from the abnormally sensitive rudder pedals, very realistic yoke resistance and general 'feel'. Accurate flight deck control layouts for 738 were impressive. Comprehensive airport database so that, in addition to Aussie favourites you can try your hand at places like Kai-tak, St Maartins, and other notoriously 'challenging' airports.

For the price of a 60 minute flight, a photo and/or DVD of your flight should be included instead of being a $69 extra 'package'.

Scott L. 9th February 2014 07:25 PM

The best one in Sydney, with 6 degrees of hydraulic motion and effects is at The Edge Cinema in Katoomba. See Any other sim is a waste of money, in my view.

Torin Wilson 9th February 2014 08:20 PM

At one point I worked for the company that produced these sims - Pacific Simulators. It went under a few years ago as the franchise was expensive to by and the returns typically minimal.

It was interesting how they did some things. It originally started with a 767 sim that one of the guys made.

I enjoyed flying them to much around at work and in one of the franchises out of hours, but certainly wouldn't even consider paying the very high prices.

James S. 11th February 2014 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Philip Argy (Post 87318)
Things I didn't like: aircraft taking off and landing oblivious to what I was doing (including take off rolls head on whilst I was taking off in the opposite direction!! Hardly realistic and more than a little off putting. Similarly aircraft taking off from behind you and rolling 'through' you after you taxi into position and hold). Rudder pedals not suitably damped so that only miniscule movements will give substantial deviations from centre tracking. Unrealistic glide slope - for example, approaching on 16R into YSSY still at 3,000 feet crossing the Parramatta River - about twice the altitude of a 'real' aircraft. No ATC. No idle reverse thrust. No stick shaker. No cockpit movement at all - only projected visual scene and instrument changes in response to control input changes. Terrain and ground improvements were not hi res or rich colour. It was not always easy to spot well known landmarks due to poor quality 'scenery' display. And no seat height adjustment for either pilot forced a suboptimal seating position!

A majority of those issues relate to limitations within the Flight Simulator engine that they use.

Philip Argy 11th February 2014 08:56 PM

Limitations ...
They said their simulator is approved by CASA for 737-800 training. If it is, I hope it's for little more than cockpit layout familiarisation!

Scott L. 13th February 2014 08:28 PM


They said their simulator is approved by CASA for 737-800 training.
. Instrument training only.

Steve McGinley 13th February 2014 09:47 PM

I have got my license 2 on the sim, and enjoy flying it. Obviously there are some short comings and its not cheap, but who cares, its as close to the real thing that I will ever get.

Brad Varney 13th February 2014 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Scott L. (Post 87326)
The best one in Sydney, with 6 degrees of hydraulic motion and effects is at The Edge Cinema in Katoomba. See Any other sim is a waste of money, in my view.

Agreed, went on this sim a while ago and it's amazing. Much better than FE IMO. If you're willing to take a drive up to Katoomba it's well worth it. It's also cheaper; I received an hour flight for $140 (only a special though) and you feel many effects from wind-shear to touching down.

Henning S 22nd February 2014 05:01 PM

If it doesn't need to be a B737 that you want to fly, I can recommend the Sydney Jabiru flight training at Bankstown airport. They offer trial instructional flights. I haven't checked the current rates but about 2 years ago I did a one hour hands-on flight in their little 2 people propeller plane from Bankstown via Narrabean beach to Palm Beach and via Hornsby back to Bankstown airport. The price was a little more than $200. They also offer flight over the Blue Mountains ,etc.

I did the take-off, controlled the plane in the air and flew the approach. Only the final landing was made by the pilot.
I was allowed to take my camera with me and whenever I wanted to take pictures the pilot took over the control until I finished taking my pictures.

Before the flight I got some basic instructions about the instruments, how to trim the plane, etc. Before I only had little experience from flying in MS FlightSim and it was a really cool thing to fly a real plane. Far better than any simulator!

Maikha Ly 23rd February 2014 07:39 PM

I did a few hours in this sim for some Instrument Flying practice sometime ago, in preparation for an airline interview. It was the best money I've spent, as the environment of this simulator and the tasks I practiced gave me confidence to when I fronted a simulator check for the interview.

Even if you go there for leisure, I highly recommend it either for yourself, or better still, as a gift to someone not so aviation inclined. They'll be raving about the experience for ages!

Terence W 24th December 2014 08:02 AM

I tried it out in July of this year - was the first time I had tried a full cockpit simulator and it was fantastic. In addition, the staff there were courteous and friendly and are all real pilots, so for someone like me who isn't in the industry a rare opportunity to chat direct with someone in that vocation.

Being a tourist attraction, they also stock a decent selection of aviation merchandise from the Boeing store.

With the cost, at the time I got in on a cheaper deal for school holidays and there are some Christmas specials on now too.

Highly recommended!

Adrian B 5th January 2015 10:00 AM

HI all,

As a birthday present, completed a 30 min flight at the Jet Flight Simulator at Niddrie in Melbourne. As a static sim it was great fun. Departed from YMML 34, touch and go at YMAV for a ILS into YMML 27.

Brother in law did YMML 27 departure into YMMB 17L touch and go followed by 34 landing YMML.

Would thoroughly recommend to anyone with a spare coin.

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