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Raymond Rowe 7th August 2011 08:08 PM

Quote Function
Has this now been totally removed or is it now modified and if so how do you use it.

Adam P. 7th August 2011 08:52 PM


Has this now been totally removed or is it now modified and if so how do you use it.
No idea what you're talking about :)

Nigel C 7th August 2011 09:35 PM

Ray, look just below the quick reply text box. In the lower left corner you'll see a tick box that says "Quote message in reply?". Tick that.

Make sense?

David Knudsen 7th August 2011 11:15 PM

Due to the ongoing issue of some users quoting the entire above message (it would seem just because it was easier to click quote rather than finding the 'reply' button), we had no choice but to make it a bit harder to quote. It is still in the trial stage and we will make a formal announcement in the near future, but from a moderation point of view we've gone from having to remove 15-20 quotes a day to 3 or 4 a week.

If you do need to quote, click the "Quick Reply" icon in the bottom right corner of the user's message you wish to quote, that will move your screen down to the quick reply box and enable you to tick the "Quote message in reply" box.

Raymond Rowe 8th August 2011 08:04 AM

Thanks Knudders.I can understand why it has been done this way

Robert S 24th August 2011 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by David Knudsen (Post 63898)
If you do need to quote, click the "Quick Reply" icon in the bottom right corner of the user's message you wish to quote, that will move your screen down to the quick reply box and enable you to tick the "Quote message in reply" box.

Do you realise that this forces you to quote the entire post you are replying to? It doesn't even show up in the "Quick Reply" box at all, so you're going to assume it won't come up, hit "Post Quick Reply" and bam, the entire post you're replying to will be there.

Just my opinion, but I personally find this change tremendously more irritatng than over-quoting... and if anything the difficulty I've just described will only encourage accidental over-quoting.

I've had to come back and edit my post to remove the excessive quoting.

David Knudsen 25th August 2011 10:16 AM

Thankyou for your feedback Robert, we are working on finding a solution to make quoting easier and solve our main issue, which is users quoting the entire post directly above their reply and we will continue to make small changes over time until we find a happy median.

Zac M 25th August 2011 04:22 PM

Is there possibly a setting in vBulletin (I know there is in other forum software) that allows you to disable quoting of the post directly above? I know in the phpbb board I used to run there was a setting hidden away somewhere that allowed you to do that, wasn't easy to find though...

Ray P. 27th August 2011 09:33 AM

Perhaps I need to get out more, but I am perplexed by this big hang up about over-quoting. Is it because people wear out their mouse quicker when clicking the down arrow, or are some compelled to read the entire quoted message which they would have read previously, or perhaps it's a site capacity issue where every character represents byte-space? It truly doesn't worry me, and I have been on many forums where noone gives a hoot about such a seemingly inconsequential issue.

For the record, on other sites I do only select the specific text to which I am referring. Others don't, but that doesn't cause me any loss of sleep whatsoever.

Justin L 27th August 2011 09:40 AM


A while ago now we received some concerns from a number of regular forum users about use of the quote function for quoting the entire previous post - especially for cases where the immediately preceding quote was long.

Upon discussion on the board, via a poll, and then among moderators, we took the decision to request that the entire above post not be quoted (partial quoting is OK). This was to enhance the board's readability.

We understand it doesn't bother everyone, but the change was agreed upon and made, and a sticky was posted at the time for users to refer to.

As David said, we are trialing a few different options in the effort to make the board user friendly for the majority of people for the majority of the time.

Ray P. 27th August 2011 02:24 PM

Thanks for the background Justin. You'll have no trouble from me on that front, I am very low-maintenance. :p

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