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Nigel C 1st June 2008 09:35 PM

Expressions of interest...Golf Day 15 June
We started touching on it in the other thread, but I thought it would be appropriate to start a new one in case anyone 'tuned out' of the other one. Shame on you if you did!:p

Granny and I would like to organise an official 2nd Sydney Airport Message Board Golf Day, and extend an invite to all members and their good looking partners. Have you ever noticed that the ugliest blokes often have the absolute stunners hanging off them? I reckon we should have quite a few glams turn up...

But seriously (for a change...) Granny has put forward some quality suggestions for places to go, and kept an aviation theme with it too.


But if we want to make a day out of it, there's quite a few courses around the airport / runway approaches which we can use to combine both hobbies...

Kograh Golf Club which is right on the airport site...

NSW Golf Course (which is at Henry's Head in the Botany Bay National Park), mind you this course is quite exclusive and may not be for everyone...

The Lakes and The Australian - Like NSW these two courses are quite exclusive and may not be for everyone...

St. Michaels or The Coast which are both at Little Bay and have quite a few holes overlooking the ocean...

Eastlakes and Bonnie Doon - both high quality courses in the same area as The Lakes and The Australian but much cheaper...

If we get enough starters a great day could / would be had by all... All of the above courses also have motorised carts available too..

I then added...

For any prospective starters, we'll need some solid numbers in the next week or so to book times and carts (assuming people want carts instead of walking). So please register your interest here and let us know what your preference is for course and carts.

For those over 18, beers in the clubhouse afterwards, and for those under 18 soft drinks in the clubhouse are permitted in the company of a responsible adult, so you lot had better bring your parents!;)

We are looking for some serious numbers. If we get enough starters, then we'll try to organise some 'prizes' for nominated holes eg, long drive, nearest the pin etc.

So, dust those clubs off and get some practice in. We'll aim for Sunday 15th June at this stage, but if people have a preference for a date, then please let us know. We'll ideally try for a mid to late morning tee-off so you uber geeks can get some spotting in.

Please indicate here if you wish to take part and which course.


Grant Smith 2nd June 2008 01:56 AM

The 15th will work for me I believe...

Being a realist, I can basically say that we have got about as much chance of getting on The Lakes, The Australian or NSW as a bird has when being on the airfield when Nige is around...

I would be looking at possibly The Coast, Kograh, St Michaels or even Randwick (Randwick, The Coast and St. Michaels at one hole or another link together) and Eastlakes for good measure.

Green fees vary from course to course but to give you an example - 18 holes at The Coast will cost $43 and cart hire is $40 for 18 holes, so depending on how you want to go $63-$83. You also get a $3.30 drink voucher - which will probably cover your first schooner...

Kograh is comparable $40 for the round and $35 for the cart - no drink voucher though...

Eastlakes is around the same price point as well...

So there's some food for thought gents...

Nigel C 2nd June 2008 07:15 AM

I think it's important to remind punters that the use of a cart is not compulsory. Walking is good for you!

Andrew McLaughlin 2nd June 2008 07:37 AM

I'm pretty certain I can be there guys - pencil me in!

Grant Smith 2nd June 2008 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 6240)
I think it's important to remind punters that the use of a cart is not compulsory. Walking is good for you!

Clearly not after a night shift it isn't...


Adam P. 2nd June 2008 12:22 PM

Keen but the sat works better...

(currently still stuck at canberra. damn weather)

Gerard M 2nd June 2008 06:34 PM

I would....but 1. im noo good at golf 2. il prob have uni exams the next day and 3. well noone knows me :rolleyes:

lol but always a possibility.

Nigel C 2nd June 2008 06:41 PM

Gerard, you should because...

1. It doesn't matter whether you're good or not, it's all about socialising with other board members, sharing a laugh with/at each other, and having a cold one or 3 at the end of it.

2. You need to relax before uni exams. I once had a lecturer at Hawkesbury Ag called Dr Harbijan S. Kehal who used to say 'If you don't know it now, you will never know it'.

3. This is a way that people can get to know you, and that you can identify the people from this board.

Don't make it a possibility, make it a probability!


Gerard M 2nd June 2008 09:59 PM

it is tempting Nigel, but ive gotta drive back up to bathurst for the maybe the next fucntion thing that is arranged ill head on over.;)

cheers Gerard

Grant Smith 4th June 2008 11:39 PM


Nigel C 5th June 2008 12:33 AM

Granny, what do you say to having the day as a 2 man ambrose event with your partner being drawn out of a hat, and your teams handicap being decided by the roll of 2 dice?

C'mon guys...we need more numbers if thsi is going to be truly a day to remember!

Grant Smith 5th June 2008 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 6459)
Granny, what do you say to having the day as a 2 man ambrose event with your partner being drawn out of a hat, and your teams handicap being decided by the roll of 2 dice?

C'mon guys...we need more numbers if thsi is going to be truly a day to remember!


The way things are going it'll be a 1 man ambrose event... However depending on the number of starters, an ambrose format would be the best and quickest way to go...

Easiest way to work out handicaps would be to start all of those without handicaps (numerical not physical or mental) off 27 and again depending on numbers divide the total accordingly i.e; 2 man = 1/8th, 3 man = 1/4 & 4 man = 1/2...

David Ramsay 5th June 2008 11:16 AM


your teams handicap being decided by the roll of 2 dice
Granny's team's handicap is Granny. :p

Stephen Brown 5th June 2008 01:00 PM

You should be sidelined for that completely predictable joke David...

but that doesn't make it any less true

David M 5th June 2008 02:37 PM

If Adam can get me on a Sydney jaunt, then I'm there, but at this stage it's highly unlikely!


2. You need to relax before uni exams. I once had a lecturer at Hawkesbury Ag called Dr Harbijan S. Kehal who used to say 'If you don't know it now, you will never know it'.
Another quote, spoken by a captain here in ADL whenever someone is studying for their check on the morning of the afore mentioned check, is....

"You can't fatten the pig on market day!"

Enjoy the golf there boys.. hope you get a good turnout! At least if you have it at the course near the airport, it's only a stones throw from the Rowers!


Adam P. 5th June 2008 04:55 PM


If Adam can get me on a Sydney jaunt,
Right. The challenge is on!!! :D

Grant Smith 5th June 2008 07:18 PM

Right... So we'll be blaming Purcell for Morrell's no show...

Challenge is indeed on Purcell - get to work!

David M 5th June 2008 11:38 PM

I'll even buy you the steak so you can spill it on yourself if you get me over there! Actually, wouldn't want to waste a good steak, maybe I'll chip in on your fees! (pun intended)


Grant Smith 5th June 2008 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by David M (Post 6565)
I'll even buy you the steak so you can spill it on yourself if you get me over there! Actually, wouldn't want to waste a good steak, maybe I'll chip in on your fees! (pun intended)


Maybe cover the cost of his dry cleaning...


Grant Smith 7th June 2008 09:11 AM

As the walrus once quipped "the time has come", can I get an indication (any at all) on numbers available for next Sunday.

I'm waiting to hear back from the respective golf clubs, with Kogarah being the preferred choice as to what available times they have.

If you want to look at the geeking opportunities afforded to you by some of the holes at Kogarah CLICK HERE, you are literally about a wedge from Pier C and no doubt if we get away early enough plenty of photo ops will be available.

We will then adjourn to the rowers for lunch, presentations and entertainment...

Looking forward to hearing from as many punters as possible!



Adam P. 7th June 2008 09:37 AM

Providing it's all done and dusted by 1400, count me in.

Adam P. 9th June 2008 10:23 AM

Rumour has it we've managed to find a Sydney jaunt for Dave.


Adam P. 9th June 2008 12:14 PM

Nigel, Granny, Dave, Mick, anyone else we have et al,

Do we have final confirmation of a tee-off time and location?

Nigel C 9th June 2008 12:55 PM

Don't forget Andrew Mc has asked to be pencilled in too (see page 1), so that makes 5.

C'mon all you geeks! You missed the dinner at the Rowers a few weeks ago, don't miss out on that golden opportunity to mingle with some of the others on the board and put some faces to names!

Golfing ability isn't important, but having a laugh is, so dust those clubs off, borrow some from a friend, or steal your old mans and join us!

Grant Smith 9th June 2008 02:21 PM

Righto lads...

How early is too early? I had suggested 8am @ Kogarah, however unfortunately they have a members comp on that day, waiting to hear back on the earliest time available...

Nigel C 9th June 2008 02:36 PM

Happy for an 0700 tee-off. It means dragging my sorry butt out of bed at 0500, but for a golf day, I'll do it!

It also means finally meeting Dave (love your work Adam P dot).

Adam P. 9th June 2008 03:48 PM

Can I beg, borrow, or steal clubs off anyone?? :o

Nigel C 9th June 2008 03:51 PM

I might be able to rustle up an old set of mine, borrow the missus putter and buggy.

Grant Smith 10th June 2008 03:27 PM

All and sundry...

It appears that we can't get away until 1230, with time restrictions we've shortened the day to a 9 hole event.

I'm going to adjust the format to make it a little more interesting. It's going to be a skins format, now this means each hole has a set value. If nobody wins that particular hole, then the next one jackpots. I'm waiting to get a copy of the scorecard to determine hole values.

The player with the lowest score on the hole wins. In order to keep things fair, handicaps will be determined according to the "match play" format.

Adam P. 10th June 2008 03:42 PM

Sounds complicated!

Nigel C 10th June 2008 03:53 PM

As I don't have a handicap, does that mean I start off with 27?

Drinks (and lots of them) will probably be happening on Saturday night at a venue to be decided.

p.s. I am REALLY disappointed that there hasn't been more interest shown in the day!

Andrew McLaughlin 10th June 2008 03:59 PM

Afraid I can't make the late tee off time sorry guys. Enjoy!

Nigel C 10th June 2008 04:02 PM

No worries.

So how many confirmed starters now? If we need one more to make up a group, let me know. I have a guaranteed replacement starter.

Grant Smith 10th June 2008 05:53 PM


I think we have 4 confirmed starters and 1 tentative starter...

I have it on good authority that Kinselas Hotel will be available for the aformentioned consumption of alcohol...

Grant Smith 10th June 2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Nigel C (Post 6855)
As I don't have a handicap, does that mean I start off with 27?

Drinks (and lots of them) will probably be happening on Saturday night at a venue to be decided.

p.s. I am REALLY disappointed that there hasn't been more interest shown in the day!

As for your handicap that shall be determined on the day ;)

I mirror your disappointment in the interest shown...or lackthereof

Mick M 10th June 2008 10:30 PM

We can fly Marty up because if he can't play golf at least he can drive the tug towing 1 tonne of sand to repair all the divots we'll leave behind! 9 holes, average par 4, I'll go five over a hole, that's 9 divots per hole, multiplied by 9 holes, that's 81 divots, multiplied by five players, that's 405 divots, needed on average, say 300 grammes of sand per hole to fill, so 405 x .3 equals 121.5..........Geeeeeezzzus.......coincidence .............or not? 121.5...the international distress frequency equals exactly the number of kilograms of sand to fill the divots. We're all going to die....AAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhh.................

Grant Smith 10th June 2008 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mick M (Post 6907)
We can fly Marty up because if he can't play golf at least he can drive the tug towing 1 tonne of sand to repair all the divots we'll leave behind! 9 holes, average par 4, I'll go five over a hole, that's 9 divots per hole, multiplied by 9 holes, that's 81 divots, multiplied by five players, that's 405 divots, needed on average, say 300 grammes of sand per hole to fill, so 405 x .3 equals erie is that 121.5...the international distress frequency equals exactly the number of kilograms of sand to fill the divots. We're all going to die....AAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhh.................


Are we playing golf or are we redesigning the bunkers? :eek:

David Ramsay 11th June 2008 10:11 AM

Are you on the happy juice again, Mick? :p

David Ramsay 11th June 2008 10:14 AM


I am REALLY disappointed that there hasn't been more interest shown in the day!
I'm interested ... I just don't play golf and I'm too far away.

If I hit a golf ball you would have to issue a NOTAM warning of uncontrolled flying objects in controlled airspace. :cool:

Grant Smith 11th June 2008 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by David Ramsay (Post 6927)
I'm interested ... I just don't play golf and I'm too far away.

If I hit a golf ball you would have to issue a NOTAM warning of uncontrolled flying objects in controlled airspace. :cool:

Nige is arranging for that very NOTAM to be in place on Sunday... Too far away? Too far away? Ridiculous... Such an excuse... :p

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