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Bernie P 1st August 2012 09:58 AM

Cardiologist's polite letter of concern to Rex...
I wonder if Rex's corporate services general manager Irwin Tan will be looking for a new job...


FED up with constant delays on his regular trips to country NSW, cardiologist Charles Thorburn fired off a letter to regional airline Rex to express his concern about the deterioration of its service.

The airline's "offensive and arrogant" response was not what the doctor ordered.

Dr Thorburn was dumbstruck when, in response to his complaint, Regional Express - which is majority owned by a group of wealthy Singapore investors - questioned whether he would reimburse patients "who did not get well after seeing you".

The letter, sent by Rex's corporate services general manager Irwin Tan on behalf of company chairman Lim Kim Hai, went on to say: "Perhaps in the medical profession you are used to dispensing information on how long you make your patients wait or how often you misdiagnosed."

Yesterday, Dr Thorburn said he was outraged by the airline's sarcastic response to his genuine concerns.

"I didn't ask for reimbursement. I expected a letter of apology and I wouldn't have taken it any further," he said.

The Sydney cardiologist has been travelling to Griffith every two months for more than 20 years to meet about 50 heart patients in one day.

He makes the journey to check patients' defibrillators and pacemakers so the community doesn't have to travel nearly 600km to the city.

Dr Thorburn raised his concerns with the airline after he had been late to his patients on a number of occasions due to the airline having flight problems. The latest incident involved being bussed to the nearby town of Narrandera after the plane needed urgent repairs.

He and 28 other passengers had to wait for four hours. During that time they were offered just three pizzas between them.

"This is the second time in a year where the flight back to Sydney has been cancelled with no notice or follow-up," Dr Thorburn said.

"The irony is that at Griffith airport terminal check-in there is a Rex sign that says 'The heart of the country'. I'm a cardiologist who looks after hearts in the country."

The community of Griffith has rallied behind Dr Thorburn, with the town's Mayor Mike Neville saying what Rex had done to Dr Thorburn was unbelievable.

"The doctor provides a much-needed service to our town and he has been treated shabbily,'' Mr Neville said.

Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese said passengers were entitled to be treated fairly.

"This means having their complaints dealt with properly,'' Mr Albanese said.
Source: Herald Sun

Nigel C 1st August 2012 01:08 PM

I wouldn't mind seeing all of the correspondence that was sent between the two parties. Whilst on the outside it appears to have been very poorly handled by Rex, the story is very one-sided.

David Knudsen 1st August 2012 01:52 PM

In a more readable format:

The letter from the Dr to Rex is here

And Rex's response is here

Jim M 1st August 2012 01:55 PM

I have to agree with Nigel. Whilst it appears a certain way,we all need to remember that there are always two sides to every story. I would not pass judgement without hearing both sides.


Nigel C 1st August 2012 03:04 PM

Thanks David. I'll have a look when I get to work.

Jim M 1st August 2012 04:31 PM

Likewise David,will have a look as soon as I can.

Thanks for posting.


Andrew P 1st August 2012 04:41 PM

who ever wrote the Rex letter should be looking for a new career ASAP, PR is not his forte

(you just don't write letters like that in the corporate world, even if that is your feelings)

Mick F 1st August 2012 05:50 PM

Absolutely DISGUSTING!!!!!

The treatment of this passenger is nothing short of rubbish.

I have never been a fan of REX, and this just goes to show what I always had the opinion of - second rate, rude and power driven (I should clarify, this is management I'm talking about. The people on the front line are excellent).


Bernie P 1st August 2012 06:35 PM

After reading the letter (in full of both), I am of the conclusion that a) the Cardiologist is a bafoon, and b) Irwin (if acting like he's stated) is equally as big a bafoon!

In response to the Dr's. correspondence, he (Irwin) should have directed him to the 'Conditions of carriage' that he mentioned in point 3 of the companies reply, thank him for his letter, and outline what the causes of his delay were. Really, nothing further was needed! And, I find it farcical that any companies CEO would instruct a reply of this type knowing that it would only become a PR nightmare, if as in this case, it got out to the media!

The Dr. doesn't go without a comment either, but 'assuming' he's out at Griffith on the Governments time, then any associated costs would be worn by the NSW tax payers... AND, assuming, lets say, he's out there on a pro-bono basis, then why is he claiming cost's? I can only imagine that he is trying to milk it out of REX!

And finally, I think, after flying with them, they are a wonderful regional airline, and I have the privileged of knowing both current and past crew, and they are certainly NOT of the standard of what this letter depicts. They are both professional in nature and excellent representatives of the company!

David C 1st August 2012 07:27 PM

I don't consider the Dr a bafoon , quite the opposite actually , although I do think that Irwin fits that description . Bernie , what would your response had been if you were in the Drs shoes? . It doesn't matter if the affected passengers were Drs , plumbers or whatever, Irwins response was completely uncalled for and unprofessional in the extreme. To make reference to the Drs professional position was childish and immature , and deserves all the criticism it gets . I do agree , however , that the hardworking crew should not be regarded as representative of the inept management.

Dave C

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