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Todd Milton 2nd October 2011 11:23 AM

LAX Spotting Locations
Hi All,

After a quick change of plans while I am in the states, I am now staying in LA for longer than I imagined (long than the 2 hours I had planned to get the hell out of here and head to New Mexico)! I chose the airport as my hotel location and am now getting a little geeked out with all these strange airlines popping in and out that I never get to see very often (when I came here before is the only time I have seen most of them). I am hoping I will get a bit of time to spot this time, as I am by myself and am trying to meet up with a mate who just moved here but we do not have any plans yet. Can anyone tell me some good spotting locations around LAX that would be close to the main strip of hotels at LAX (Seeing as though most spotters would have stayed at these hotels before)?

Thanks all,


Lukas M 2nd October 2011 11:42 AM

Yes, I have been and done the LAX hotel/spotting thing many times.

In terms of close to the hotel strip, well In/Out Burger is about the best you can get, and its bloody brilliant. I was at the Hilton most of the time, so I caught the free shuttle to the terminals, then flag down the Sepulveda spotty bus, one seems to drive past every minute. I always tipped the driver $1/$2 considering I wasn't there to collect my car! This car park is basically right next to this spotting location. Of course you could always walk, but its quite a walk if you are staying anywhere past the Crown Plaza.

Expect to see a Southwest 737 every two minutes in this location! Plenty of heavies in the late arvo, and alot of props from Alaska using this runway too.

Here is a good link

Ray P. 2nd October 2011 12:13 PM

I couldn't agree more that the In-N-Out Burger location is just brilliant. Good honest fast food (probably my favourite after Carl's Jr) with an assortment of outdoor tables providing fantastic spotting opportunities. Should also be clear skies this time of year.

Sarah C 2nd October 2011 01:08 PM

Lukas summed it up nicely - I have done it plenty of times and will do it in a few weeks again.

I usually stay at one of the hotels on Airport Blvd - many of the hotels past the main enterance like the Raddison are probably a 20 minute walk, but well worth it. Only downside is it can get boring seeing South West aircraft every couple of minutes, so if you love them, this spot is ideal.

The In n Out is really ideal - the burgers are great too, although it gets busy. A little further up is a Supermarket and other food options which is great as well. The little park across from the burger is just perfect for spotting.

The Imperial Hill spot is also great but really you need a car, and if you are there for a long time, facilities like toilets are lacking, so the other spot is slightly better from that perspective.

Todd Milton 2nd October 2011 01:19 PM

Thanks for the help guys 'n girls, will give it a go! I do have a car, as I was driving out to New Mexico, so I can drive I would just prefer to walk if it the locations are close!! I have seen photos from In n Out, looks like a great location (And I have been told to try In 'n Out by many people!).

Sarah C 2nd October 2011 01:32 PM

Depending on where you stay, if you can walk to the In n Out, do it, as the parking around it is limited. There is street parking next to the park but it goes very quickly. I prefer the walk anyway purely because you have so much action to photograph just getting there :) Use the car to do the Imperial Hill spot but it is better for morning shots with the backlight.

Todd Milton 3rd October 2011 11:22 AM

Went to suss out the spot this evening (And to grab dinner at In-n-Out) and it.... is.... AWESOME! Walked out just as a Delta 777 came straight past and I was just amazed (In-n-out burger must do a roaring trade from spotters alone). Should have a chance to head out tomorrow afternoon, as my friend starts work at 4 so I should be able to head out by 3.

Sarah C 3rd October 2011 11:36 AM

Great to head Todd - even without the spotters, the In n Out is always busy, particularly with people going to/coming from the airport before/after a flight. If you want to get nice and close to the aircraft, it is a beautiful spot. And the grass allows you just to sit there all day if you want too.

matthew mcdonald 3rd October 2011 12:53 PM

Hi Todd, If your available to spot at In "N" out on Tuesday afternoon I will be there spotting from about 2pm and then at Inperial Hill all day Wednesday.

Todd Milton 3rd October 2011 02:36 PM

I am sadly flying at out 14:30 with Southwest to LAS on Tuesday for a few days :-(. Thanks, though.

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