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Tony G 6th November 2011 11:56 AM

Canon 24-105L 1:4 IS vs Canon 24-70L 1:2.8 USM
I have read reviews on both. Most reviews lean towards the 24-70 ( which I have sourced to be about $500- 600 more). As a Sydney sider the RTA, Water,Electricity, house and rent prices have had a minor affect on my budget:rolleyes:

Whatever lens I get, will be the lens I will use for the next 10 years. So I want to make the right choice, but if I can save money why not.

I will appreciate if anyone that uses either of these lenses for aviation and low light ( night shot of the city, stars etc) offer some feedback so I can make the right choice that would be great.

If the 24-70 wins hands down, I will wait a while and save for it. If the 24-105 is not far behind, I'll get that.

Nigel C 6th November 2011 12:41 PM

From what I've heard the 24-70 is the way to go. Sure, an extra few hundred dollars for less reach, but apparently it's sharper than the 24-105.

Mind you, I'd happily have either in the kit bag! :)

Tony G 6th November 2011 01:15 PM

Thanks Nigel. I think deep down I know the answer but, I was hoping there would be a response that said the 24-105 is not far off. I might look at renting a 24-105 and if it suits my needs then I would go for that.

Raymond Rowe 6th November 2011 08:52 PM

I have a 28-105 and find the lens to be quite good.I did buy one of the older style lenses which had the glass not the plastic.I bought the lens second hand though.

Lee G 7th November 2011 06:28 AM


I believe that Canon may be announcing an upgrade to some of their lenses shortly. Rumour has it that the 24-70 L will be one of those lenses and will have upgraded glass and IS added (may be designated as the 24-70 Mk II). You may want to hold off for a month or so until they announce as if you don't need it immediately there will probably be a few of the Mk I being sold so the price may be cheaper.

A McLaughlin 7th November 2011 06:39 AM

Tony - The 24-70 is an f2.8, as opposed to the f4 of the 24-105, so the 24-70 will have better low light performance.

Lee - I hear a lot of the upgrades have been deferred while Canon gets back on its feet following the tsunami earlier this year. There are also some supply shortages from parts and accessory factories affected by the floods in Thailand.

Tony G 7th November 2011 05:27 PM

Thanks for the feedback all.

To Chris: have you used them both in low light conditions?

Thanks Lee, I have heard a new lens is on its way. As Andrew said it might be a while. I spent 2 months waiting for the Canon 5diii, I couldn't wait anymore (there were too many aircraft I missed out on, including the 707 departures )and got a 5Dii at a good price. It still may be at least 6 months before we even see an upgrade. But going from a 40d to a 5dii, I am over the moon with my photos. Might be a few heading your way Andrew ( front page maybe ;)).

Once again thanks for your feedack. Agreed Andrew I think the 24-70 is what would suit me overall. I really enjoy my low light shots around the city.

A McLaughlin 8th November 2011 07:51 AM

No worries Tony

What lens you decide on might also depend on what other glass you use as don't want too much focal length overlap, but you also don't want any gaps. As a guide, Canon's professional kit includes the 24-70 f2.8L, the 70-200 f2.8L MkII , and the 300 f2.8L prime.


Nigel C 8th November 2011 08:02 AM

300 f2.8L prime....:)

What's OzLotto up to tonight?

A McLaughlin 8th November 2011 01:17 PM

Have had the good fortune to use Paul Sadler's 300 2.8 prime a couple of times...

Wow...just wow!!!

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