Thread: MH370 - Missing
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Old 9th August 2016, 09:29 AM
MarkR MarkR is offline
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Not much one can do about a paywall, other than google the title , I would happily paste the whole article if it didn't :

1. Possibly infringe copyright of the holder
2. Possibly unleash the wrath of the various rights holders on this website for depriving them of possible monetary loss.

From my time as a mod on a frequent flyer site I have come into the habit of posting "news" without ever copying and pasting the full article, as a way of respecting the original content and origin whilst minimalising risk for the forum. I am not a fan of paywalls, and rarely is the press worth paying for, today's Australian is probably a rare exception for someone interest in Aviation.

Last edited by MarkR; 9th August 2016 at 09:58 AM.
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