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Old 1st June 2017, 09:10 PM
Kurt A Kurt A is offline
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Unfortunately arguing will get us nowhere real quick ;-)

Having said that, I do partly agree with both of you.

On one hand, with anything like this, there is always a long wishlist of things that we'd like to have, my wishlist included. And on the other hand, I can also appreciate there are many challenges to equally meet those expectations; government approvals and budget etc.

Of course, the site is Sydney Airport's to develop as they please, though the project team have designed a space that will greatly improve the current area to ensure its longevity, it will formally commemorate a recognised and familiar "plane spotter" which is hugely welcomed, it will also be safe, secure, well manicured and will offer equal to improved viewing than currently exists.

Let's be fair, any redevelopment is better than what is current; and whilst I acknowledge the cries for toilets, cafe's, removal of light poles, more elevation, less trees, different parking arrangements etc.... some of those become redundant due to nearby facilities and others due to budget, site limitations, approvals etc.

Design aside, and I'm sure most will agree; I have to say, I'm very pleased and thankful that Sydney Airport has considered redeveloping this site, and with "plane spotters" in mind. This is the first land-side project in a very long time (since the Observation Deck) that has hit the drawing board, and in our favour. Alone, that speaks wonders for the Airport's commitment to community, which we should all be very excited about and thankful for.

Let's keep positive. September isn't a long way away, and again, I hope to share some more information on the project in general and it's progress over the coming weeks. Stay tuned :-)
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