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Old 1st June 2018, 06:28 AM
MarkR MarkR is offline
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They had an earlier winding up order from Tamworth which they fought and won, so it’s no indication that things will go any particular way. However recently they informed staff of a cashflow issue:

“Embattled regional airline JetGo has informed its staff that the company has been “experiencing a critical shortage of cash” for some time.

In an email, provided to Fairfax Media, the airline’s management announced it brought in corporate advisors last Friday to restructure its finances.

Further confirmation of money troubles comes just days after Fairfax Media revealed efforts were underway from Dubbo Regional Council to wind up the airline due to an unpaid debt.

The western NSW council says the company owes $271,000 relating to passenger taxes, with a court date set down for next month.”
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