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Old 29th March 2019, 01:21 PM
MarkR MarkR is offline
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Originally Posted by David C View Post
I’m not sure whether there is a requirement for a back up , but surely in this day and age , a “ commonsense approach “ should prevail . There should be contingency plans , but at the age I am having seen lots of water flowing under the bridge sadly nothing surprises me any more .

Dave C
There are contingency plans and they were put in place, the C130 acting as a hi-top relay is likely an example of that. Lets not forget Melbourne had a similar issue in January. Its not possible to have an alternate tower even if there is one there, the stop bars, SSR and other aids all terminate only in the new tower. The cost of replication vs the probablity of them being needed just does not add up to a worthwhile expense.
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