Thread: V Australia?
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Old 1st April 2008, 07:52 AM
lloyd fox lloyd fox is offline
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Premier Welcomes V Australia's Take-off

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh today congratulated Virgin Blue co-founders Sir Richard Branson and Brett Godfrey on the arrival of their new international airline, V Australia.

"Just as Virgin Blue, with its Brisbane HQ has been a huge boost for Queensland, I know V Australia will be an enormous success," Ms Bligh said.

"I am particularly pleased that Brisbane will gain around 100 new jobs as part of the V Australia corporate operations.

"While Sydney is well established as the long haul hub for Australia I am pleased that Brisbane's vital HQ role in the Virgin business will be further strengthened with these new corporate jobs linked to the international airline.

"Brisbane is the aviation hub for Australia and Virgin's new international airline will further strengthen our importance in this industry.

"Virgin Blue's CEO Brett Godfrey assures me that we'll all be able to do that direct from Brisbane to LA in the very near future," the Premier said.

(Government of Queensland)
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