Thread: Cockpit Access
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Old 23rd October 2008, 10:22 AM
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Tim Bowrey Tim Bowrey is offline
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Hey Gareth,
I have always asked the flight attendants during flight if i could stick my head in after the flight and have only been turned down once out of about 6 times some of which I have acctually been able to sit in the seats.

I took Sam Chui's option of writing a small letter outlining how your love aviation and enjoy taking photos and if a quick photo in the flightdeck would be possible after flight. It worked when i was on 747-300 EBX in Perth(although i was a 17 by myself)

A question for everyone else? Are tri-pods aloud on planes? As im travelling VS201 and we arrive in HKG at night i wanted to try a few exposure shots during flight and not sure if they would think of a tri-pod as some sort of weapon. If not, what can i do?

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