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Old 28th October 2008, 02:39 AM
Mike Scott Mike Scott is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: HNL Hawaii USA
Posts: 230

Sorry but I'm of the "opinion" that people with crying babies should either stay home until the kid is old enough not to cry or should be required to fly in economy. Bottom line in my book is simply why should I or any other passenger (regardless of location) be subjected to the annoying noise of a crying baby...its no different to any other type of disturbance. I paid my money and have a right to not be disturbed...just like everybody else...what right do you have to inflict your child and its associated noise/bad behavior on me or others. That said, I do understand that at a very young age babies cry for numerous reasons...some are obvious..others not and neither the parents or anyone else can really control that...they may do their very best...but are not always successful.

Older kids causing trouble can be dealt with (and are) if not by their parents then by the crew....and in some cases the parents are just as guilty as their kids..and just as irresponsible. A word to may think that your child is just beautiful, perfect, adorable. what ever....the rest of us dont share that view..we dont want to hear from or about it...we dont want anything to do with it...we dont want to share your joy/pain...if you choose to bring it out in public then you own it and are responsible for any problems or disturbances it causes. Do everyone else a favor...think twice before travelling with a child in any confined space...not just an aircraft.

I'm not really anti-kid, I am anti-irresponsible and non thinking parents. Yes crying and badly behaved kids on airplanes are one of my pet peeves

Have a nice day

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