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Old 9th April 2009, 04:45 PM
Stephen B Stephen B is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 96

Hi Montague,

I tried to take this private as there was no need to continue it in public. But if you wish, so be it.

I have no problem with others having different opinions to me at all. I "wrapped my head" around that one long ago. What I have a problem with is people who think it's OK to make grandiose statements, be rude and dismissive to those who have the audacity to disagree let alone dare to question, and then not have the good grace to back themselves up.

Not everyone who has a different opinion to yourself is "beyond stupid" to use your own phrase.

Every time I've asked my question all you've done is abused me for not being able to wrap my head around the fact that you have a different opinion to me, and declared it beyond stupid. But you've never answered it. If the question is too trivial for you to answer, why did you abuse me for it? Or is it that you have an opinion different to mine, but not the knowledge to back it up?

It is very possible to discuss different opinions politely, and if you can put your case clearly and factually, you may even be able to bring others around to your way of thinking. That's what I was asking for, I was not expecting an aggressive and abusive response.
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