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Old 11th May 2009, 07:48 PM
Owen H Owen H is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 365

No worries... and yes, its been relatively nice weather (only upto about 25kts max) crosswinds for pretty much the whole year so far. I'm sure Nigel C can give more detail, but it has certainly been out since at least November, and I dare say a fair bit longer than that.

Melbourne had interesting issues when the long runway was closed for a few months... all ops on the shorter 27. They did it during times of predicted westerlies, and fortunately the strong northerlies/southerlies stayed away.
Caused havoc for all the longhaul flights, because they couldn't take off at the weights needed, so many tech stops were planned.

I think we'll have more "fun and games" when they close 34L in Sydney ...
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