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Old 20th October 2009, 08:41 PM
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Craig Murray Craig Murray is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 371

Another classic quote from the federal secretary of the ALAEA in the following article:

Wheel of Virgin Blue plane disintegrated on landing

"It could have led to loss of life if the wheel had come through the fuselage causing the cabin to de-pressurise rapidly."
Wheels fall upwards?!

The ATSB will conduct an investigation and the results will be made public. This is a good thing and I have no doubt that air travel in Australia is safer than it ever has been.

Let the media have their fun with this, frankly most media outlets in this country have alot to answer for when it comes to credible reporting of news minus sensationalism. Remember, headlines sell....... facts, well they get buried in the text.

The headline on the above article could just as easily been written "ATSB to investigate 737 wheel hub failure" but I doubt it would generate too many hits
Whatever happened to Ti Dak?
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