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Old 11th December 2009, 05:28 AM
Sarah C Sarah C is offline
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Thanks for letting us know Kurt - I am sure many board members will make sure we do the tour one more time before the end.

It is a shame SACL didn't support it as much as they could have. There was nothing on their website about it - a little support like that would have spread the word. All the enthusiasts will miss it but I think it is a shame that the groups of school kids I saw on the bus won't get that chance anymore.

It was truly a unique tour considering the security around airports these days. I agree with Ryan though, the camera ban really did affect them.

Thanks to all the team behind it from day one - your passion and enjoyment for your job came out in every tour, I wish I could have that job! Thanks for sharing a different side of the airport not just for enthusiasts, but for people who know nothing about aircraft.
Eagerly counting down to the next YSSY Spotters Weekend