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Old 13th December 2009, 07:23 AM
Stephen B Stephen B is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 96

I do in fact understand there are allot of factors that contribute to the safe arrival of an aircraft to its destination, and that yes, culture and external pressures are a very big contributor to that. These pressures can be pushed right through the crew's life, and from many sources, not just from the airline.

Too much pressure can make previously very stable, reliable and experienced people do strange and unpredictable things at times, totally out of character, and even in a carefully planned way so as to avoid detection, not just in a sudden snap.

But this thread is not about throwing every pilot flying today in jail. This thread is about one pilot, who after careful and thorough examination of the facts, was found to have deliberately ignored the aircrafts own warning systems, ignored his co-pilot, ignored his previous experience and training, and deliberately crashed his aircraft onto the ground at twice its permissible landing speed in bad weather.

How can you possibly try to claim that this was not acting in a manner that the system would find absurd?????? His co-pilot did!

Please tell me what groundbreaking new safety ideas have come from this person being able to speak his mind, in a nice safe closed culture with apparently no real fear of any recriminations at all?????

And please could you direct me to the appropriate documentation by CASA, the ATSB or NTSB etc so I can read and understand what you've stated above?

Last edited by Stephen B; 13th December 2009 at 08:02 AM.
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