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Old 18th December 2009, 09:42 PM
D Chan D Chan is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 463

Originally Posted by Owen H View Post
I do not, for a minute, totally trust any company executive in these times.
and so those cabin crew should trust the unions to protect them when they can't even get the ballot right and does a royal f* up?

on one side you have people running an airline operation and they pay staff for their work; on the other side you have an union that collects fees for so-called 'representing' their members and can't even get a thing as simple as a ballot right (so far they haven't achieved anything substantial for their members - all they have achieved is to dent the public's confidence and reputation of their member's employer - which is nothing material for the cabin crew).

Tell me why any of the travelling public deserves to suffer uncertainties in their travel plans during such a busy time of the year?

Strangely enough some people choose to fly asian carriers because of their (perceived) better customer service and price of air fares. What they don't consider is how much less each cabin crew are paid comparatively and how these airlines are undercutting the legacy carriers which pay more to the operating crew. And then some people are led to think BA's cabin crew are underpaid and this or that. Ironic isn't it? The fact is simple. Evolve or get left behind. simple as that.

If conditions are really so bad in a company - vote with your feet and work for another company with better work and pay conditions. The reason most won't do that is because they know they are already better off already. Unions are good at rewarding scumbags - they don't do jack for the hard workers or those who deserves their genuine representation.

Last edited by D Chan; 18th December 2009 at 09:49 PM.
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