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Old 28th April 2010, 11:41 AM
Nigel C Nigel C is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: The farm
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Here's an idea...

Rather than waiting for the authorities to come up with a scheme, how about people do what they can to protect their spotting backyards, like ensuring the fenceline doesn't get damaged and making sure rubbish is kept to a minimum?
As an example, the Tower Beach viewing area barbed wire keeps getting twisted together by someone (perhaps a few people), presumably a photographer(s), which is effectively vandalising the fence to the point of needing replacement. Now if this sort of stuff keeps happening, then there may be a push to restrict access to this area, which, I'm sure most of you would agree, isn't an ideal scenario for your hobby.
Behaviour such as this may, and indeed should be, regarded as suspicious, and it certainly doesn't look good if the perpetrator happens to be carrying a large telephoto lens and a step ladder!
So, if you see someone doing this, then please give them a gob full about what they're doing in the interests of your hobby and rectify the fence before it gets any worse. This area may end up being closed off like the old Charlie and 07/25 viewing area just north of the VOR (long term spotters will remember this spot no doubt).

The empty drink cans and other rubbish being left here isn't exactly a glowing endorsement either.

I should point out that this is directed at the Sydney scene, however I presume this sort of thing happens around the country. Happy to be corrected as always.
I am always hungry for a DoG Steak! :-)

Last edited by Nigel C; 28th April 2010 at 03:26 PM.
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