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Old 22nd July 2011, 06:17 PM
Adam J Adam J is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 35

I actually like the proactive move by the management of AA. This could be an absolute game changer for AA. They are expecting far greater efficiencies from the newer metal, selling all the old frames and the fact that both manufacturers have provided (or guaranteed)lease finance is a huge plus.

Debt funding is bloody hard to get and to score a facility on such a large scale is outstanding. It will be interesting to see whether the same finance package is offered to other airlines.

A mate of mine who I went to college with in the states with is an FO at AA and despite some tough industrial times with the pilots,engineers and FA's in the recent past with heaps still furloughed and closure of maintenance he is of the opinion (and hope) that this move will be positive for everyone at AA. They have been expanding routes and really taking the other carriers head on.

I emailed him about this and he tells me the pilot group is very happy with the order but there is still some residual angst re pay and conditions.

Certainly will be very interesting to watch.

PS Just as a side note the pilot group have heard of the Qantas Pilots industrial dispute and watching from afar with great interest. I guess Airline flying is a small world and employees worldwide all seem to be facing the same problem.
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