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Old 10th February 2012, 11:03 AM
Darren Howie Darren Howie is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 15

In Singers by far he cheapest is Alan photo.
They are at the funan center across the road from Cathay photo who have a great range but big prices. Some things ate still cheaper.
Also as a passenger you get 9% extra off for the local Vat.
Alan also have a branch at sim lim square just be careful of other vendors some are dodgy.
Good luck
One thing second hand gear is a steal there with for instance 1DsMk3's for 3500 singers which is under 3 grand Aussie.
Great buys to be had if you hunt around.
Also heck out the amazing photography bookshop on the ground level in he Funan center...just amazing and the best source of camera books I've seen..anywhere.
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