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Old 10th July 2012, 01:14 AM
Nigel C Nigel C is offline
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Originally Posted by Benny Zheng View Post
Here's my 2 cents. I'm definitely agree with more signage such as no photography around the restricted areas. Coming from Singapore, I have seen may spots closed down by the airport authorities and left with only air shot spots. But I do need clarification on the saying of foreigners are the pure cause of this. I've know local spotters that spot at the radar field and therefore I do not agree on this point.
Benny, I certainly don't think anyone was pointing this issue only at foreign spotters only. I think the reference was made purely as a point to say that unless people are familiar with current local arrangements, then those who don't often spot at Sydney may inadvertently end up at the radar field through word of mouth or out-dated internet references.

If you know who the people are that have been accessing this area, then perhaps a friendly word to them about what is and what is not acceptable in terms of spotting locations would help resolve this issue before the authorities really clamp down on it hard.
As others have alluded to, the relationship between SACL and the spotting community is at a unique stage right now, and it would be in everyone's best interest if this relationship is given the chance to bloom through trust and respect on both sides.

I am always hungry for a DoG Steak! :-)
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