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Old 31st December 2012, 03:51 PM
Erik H. Bakke Erik H. Bakke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 304

In the morning you'll get backlit photos from the beach side, and that will make them appear underexposed. The camera has exposed for the additional light, leading to the main motif being underexposed.
You can compensate for this by overexposing the shot, which will light up the main motif, but this will lead to skies and backgrounds being overexposed.

One option would be to shoot two or more photos with different exposure settings (AEB will normally do this quite well) and then combine the photos in an image editing suite later on. This will give you a HDR-style image, but it's not really suited for fast action photos.

Even with clever camera tricks, you'll most likely still get a halo around what you're photographing, so the best solution will still be to wait until the sun moves around to the side a bit more.
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