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Old 22nd April 2013, 06:00 PM
Matt Southwell Matt Southwell is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Glenwood Sydney NSW
Posts: 14
Default Where is this spotting location?

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if someone can tell me where this photo was taken from? I notice quite a few taken from this location but I can't figure out where it is. I'm aware of the mound below the Tower but this appears to be a little further to the south or a litle less blocked by the trees.
Also I'm looking for some photos from the Tempe dog park as I'm looking at heading around there next time I head out.
I'm trying to get some more varied shots, after about 10 years of spotting at YSSY, and moving to Sydney permanantly 4 years ago, I've only just discovered swamp road.

Regards Matt
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