Thread: MH370 - Missing
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Old 15th March 2014, 11:03 PM
Scott S Scott S is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 18

The press conference this afternoon only indicated that Malaysia Airlines will have nothing to do with this anymore, so does the government. They don't have anything to keep hiding and things progressed much quicker than they expected, especially the Ping to the satellite. It's the time for the main actors on the stage.

This is a joint operation of US and China, there were Jammer involved. The operation is about possible small nuclear device on board, of course have been offloaded before the flight took off. The nuclear thing is targeting Beijing, part of the plan of the coup to destablise the current government.

The aircraft did landed on Diego Garcia, unclear if it is still there or not.

The Chinese passengers has already back in China in somewhere, highly likely on Hainan Island.
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