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Old 27th August 2014, 07:33 PM
Stuart Trevena Stuart Trevena is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Lara, Victoria
Posts: 268

Hi All,

I had to bring up this thread again, as I think is worth it.

This Article appeared in the Melbourne Heald Sun Recently.

Titled "Qantas needs to cut 2000 more jobs to turn its fortunes around, analyst claims"

Here is the link

What are peoples thoughts? Is the reporter Right??

No doubt my comments will be shouted down or tagged silly, but he is my 2 cents worth.

One big mistake that the Board of Qantas made years ago, was to not order the B777-300ER or -200LR series aircraft, as a replcement for the ageing B747-400 Fleet. While I do like the Queen of th Skies, she has 4 Engines, which guzzle fuel and the extra Maint. cost or 4 engines is expensive.

Instead they placed all eggs in one basket, and waitied for the B787 Dreamliner, which they have now put on hold for the QF Fleet. The B777 was a proven aircraft with many airlines, including Emirates, British Airways, Singapore Airlines and Air New Zealand, just to name a few.

By going to the B777, which has only 2 engines, this would cut down Maint. costs and the fuel burn is much more economical on the new generation engines. This aircraft could go anywhere do anything from Cross Country East-West Coast flights to Lax or even Dallas / Fort Worth.

The shorter-200 series would be ideal for routes that don't need high capacity but maby more frequent services, say Perth - Auckland, Perth - Hong Kong or even Perth to Honolulu, or again East-West Coast Flights.

Not too many airlines still use the B747-400, as they have switched to the B777 for their Medium / Longhaul services and are doing well them.

Given that Qantas didn't have the the Right aircraft to operate to the various routes, they were force to cut these routes as they were becoming unprofitable, as they were using B747-400's.

New Routes QF should look at with the Right Aircraft include:

Perth - Honolulu

East Coast - to Florida via Honolulu or San Francisco to link up with the Cruises.(Australian Passengers are spending big money on the cruise Industry, and they need to get there)

Return to the Kanagroo Route via Singapore (Link via Capital Cities)

Take over Emirates Flight EK404/405 Melbourne to Dubai via Singapore

Return of Rome Services via Singapore.(Link via Capital Cities)

Return of Perth to Singapore and Extend to Hong Kong or Japan

Operate QF63/64 Sydney to Johannesburg via Melbourne

Move more International flights out of Sydney, to Brisbane or Melbourne. (De-Centralize. Sydney Is not the Centre of the Universe, and Passengers Don't wish to fly to Sydney to then connect to International Service)

By pushing the Travelling public onto Foreign Carriers, you, Qantas are losing money hand of Fist.

Finally, I must agree with some other comments about the board and inparticular Alan Joyce.

Under him, the Qantas Product, Services and Share Price have all nosed dived. If this was any other business, he would have been sacked years ago, for gross incompentance. Under Joyce, QF has bleed money Left, Right and down the Middle.

The only way forward is too sack the Board and Elect a New Board that will review the routes, and Aircraft type required, and deal with the Various Unions and EBA's once and for all.

Only then will Qantas return to Profit, which into will increase the share price for shareholders and gain back the travelling Australians Trust.

Qantas B743's - A Classic
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