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Old 19th May 2011, 08:46 AM
Danny Rizk Danny Rizk is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Sydney
Posts: 248

Originally Posted by Tony G View Post
You might not have an issue with receiving feedback, I think the issue is how you take it on board and deal with it. You basically brushed of a paying customer and told him to go elsewhere next year.

Tony, that is not a correct statement.
Dan F was the one who came up with the alternative of attending Hobbyco instead of the show and it would cost him nothing, I merely encouraged him to take up that advice.

Just to clarify again, I have no problem with constructive feedback.
I understand people will attend the show and not find or see everything they had in mind and thats often out of my hands.

To imply that the $12 paid was not value for money I will say is unreasonable as there was alot on display, more than we have ever had.

I agree there could have been a few more models but in our defence we had 5 traders cancel at very late notice, we also had RC Helicopter displays planned and again we had the pilots cancel at very late notice (One did turn up) so we cancelled the display.

Anyway in conclusion we are learning every year and the show will continue to grow and move forward, I do take ALL comments on board even if I dont agree with them.

Best Regards to all.
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