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Old 3rd June 2012, 10:51 AM
Kelvin R Kelvin R is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 167

Hi Adam, i used to have similar issues to this but on every trip and after 5 trips a year for 2 years it became a bit tiring. I made one simple change, I started booking my flights and paying by credit card in my name. It turns out our travel agent was paying by account so all my tickets were last minute purchases paid for by cash. As a result I have been special screened once since 2004 instead of special screened every single flight. You may also want to consider getting an APEC Travel Card if you don't have one already. This enables you to use the APEC/ Diplomat/ Crew line on arrival into the US and the crew line for departure and arrival in Australia. I use the APEC card as my Govt issued ID for US domestic travel which also seems to result in a faster security processing service.
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