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Old 5th August 2016, 09:49 AM
Mark Grima Mark Grima is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canberra
Posts: 495

Couldn't agree more with the basis of your reply Ash. That is there are a number of reasons passengers reach for bags in this type of scenario. It's certainly not something I have first hand experience with.

I don't think that and charges are the sole answer to this, however I think they could play apart in the answer.

Let me ask the question this way. In the current times where civil litigation occurs frequently and everyone is looking to apportion blame and negligence, if this situation saw the worst occur why should the airlines level of negligence not be reduce, to take into account the actions of passengers?

In thinking about this, I'm only thinking about the Australian system and our culture. I appreciate that in the present example there is a vast difference.


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