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Old 20th October 2011, 03:57 PM
Jakef Jakef is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 113

@Daniel M: Actually I'm the type of person who always stops at red lights. Not a comparable issue, if the phone was in airplane mode than it is not transmitting, receiving, or doing anything that makes it different to an ordinary camera.
Fair enough it may be in the CAR's but still, was he hurting anybody? No. Was it a safety risk? No.
You just have to look at the tens of thousands of takeoff/landing videos on youtube to see that this is a fairly common practice. I've been sitting next to someone on a flight who was still sending and receiving text messages throughout the entire flight when she had reception, I'm still alive so it can't be that bad.

To keep it on topic, great video

PS: If you want to see something really dangerous in regards to Australian aviation on youtube, you can certainly find it...
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