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Old 31st March 2018, 03:02 AM
Robbie J Robbie J is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 127
Default Whatever happened to the spotters licence?

I seem to recall an announcement (quite a few years ago) about SACL (or was it the Federal Police?) implementing a spotters ID card at YSSY.

Did anything come of that plan?

Personally I never thought the ID card would work or have any real safety benefits.

Sure, someone seen on the airport perimeter fence all the time could raise safety concerns. Such a person should therefore have a spotters pass to prove their good intentions.

But what about casual weekend spotters or photographers? Should they be expected to apply (and pay) for a pass before even approaching the vicinity of the airport?

That's why I felt the airport spotters pass would never work. A few people would apply for the ID card and carry it, but casual spotters and random visitors would still not possess one... hence, the safety / ID issue still exists.

Last edited by Robbie J; 31st March 2018 at 04:12 AM.
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