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Old 20th January 2010, 10:43 AM
Phil McLeod Phil McLeod is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 7
Default Tarmac tour just joining tour

Hi guys,

I appologise for any delay in people getting back to you. Tarmac Tours shut down over Christmas and New Year. We are only just starting to get things going again.

DO NOT just show up and try to get on a tour. Saturdays and some Sundays this may be possible, however, pre booked tours like Senior groups get first refusal, also if it is a Scout group, birthday party or school group you WILL NOT be allowed on. This is because of the child protection laws, (we all have to have police checks and sign a Prohibited Employment Declaration because we are working with children).

I hope that this helps and I look forward to seeing you all some time in the future.

Phil McLeod
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