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Old 4th October 2012, 09:55 AM
Tim B Tim B is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 144

It happened to me with Air Canada just a couple of weeks ago.
The flight to Vancouver left Sydney an hour late due to the late arrival of the plane from Vancouver. We were told it was delayed due to storms on the Toronto-Vancouver leg of its trip.
When I caught the return Vancouver-Sydney flight, it left on time but arrived in Sydney a half hour earlier than the scheduled time and we then had to sit on the tarmac for 10 minutes waiting for a plane to back out of its (our) gate.
To top it off we had to wait at the gate while Quarantine boarded the plane and sprayed the overhead lockers with Mortein, and then wait another 5 minutes of so while the spray settled and the Quarantine guy signed off the plane.
The suitcases took forever to arrive and just trickled out the shute, but at least customs was just a breeze with the electronic passport.
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