Thread: Air France 777F
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Old 15th August 2008, 09:19 AM
Erik H. Bakke Erik H. Bakke is offline
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Posts: 304

Originally Posted by Andrew McLaughlin View Post
Both Airbus and Boeing advertise to the travelling public in the hope of building up a profile amongst the high yielding frequent traveller who does know an A320 from a 777-300ER.
This applies perfectly well for passenger aircraft. I know for a fact that when my family is coming down here in February/March next year, they have been actively searching out flights operated by the A380, and trying to find B777 flights for those segments where the A380 might not be available.

The B777 is from personal experience, but the A380 is purely because it's new and they want to see it for themselves if it is as good as the media/advertising say it is.

But, to bring this discussion closer to topic, this doesn't seem to apply to the same degree for freighters. I just can't see any company say "I'd like to send this shipment to Paris, but only if it will be going on the new B777F."

There's got to be other important factors in these decisions as well. Would potential passengers see these flying billboards and think "Hey, that looks cool, I want to fly with them next time"? In that case, the difference between a freighter and a passenger aircraft would not matter that much, as most people would only look at the airlines name and logo, if even that.
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