Rego Requests Posting Guidelines (Read this before you post a request!)
This forum is for the sole use of posting requests for the registration of your upcoming flights. Other users with access to the appropriate information may be able to post the registrations here, however there is no guarantee that your requests will be answered. It should also be noted that more often than not last minute changes in aircraft do occur.
Requests for registrations of past flights, or any requests on the movement of specific aircraft should be posted in the “Spotting and Movements” forum instead.
Before posting your request, please note the following rules specific to this forum. Failure to comply with these rules will result in your thread being removed.
- Title: Thread titles must be in the following format: Rego Request: <Flight No> <Date> <Route> e.g: "Rego Request: QF400 12/2 MEL-SYD"
- No “bumping” of threads allowed, if you haven’t received a reply, it simply means nobody has the information to answer your request.
- If you do get a reply, be sure to thank the person who has taken the time to look up the information for you!
"Live every day to the fullest - in moderation."